Chapter 9

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This chapter seemed longer when I was typing it out! It's almost 1500 words! It seems like Wattpad pages are getting longer and longer!

Anyways, here it is, the latest installment of The Damsel! 


Mark, who had been avoiding Elizabeth at all costs, knew that he could not do so much longer. Sophie was feeling better every day and it looked as if there would be no infection setting in. He’d have to introduce the two of them formally eventually.

Mark raised this subject with Sophie when he sat with her that morning. His seemed uneasy throughout the entire conversation.

“Papa, I am not so nervous in meeting her or being around her. Are you?”

Mark sighed, “Yes, Sophie I am. The woman hates me for reasons unbeknownst to me or anyone else. I feel as if she is always judging me.  Judging me on whether I am a good father and a good Prince. Your grandmother is dreading the day I take over for my father.”

“Papa, do not worry so! Grandmother Elizabeth hardly has the final say on whether you are a good father or a good statesman.”

Mark smiled; Sophie was always so supportive.

“Thank you Monkey. How are feeling today?”

“My arm pains me some but otherwise excellent.” Sophie reassured her father.

“I’m happy to hear that. I heard that the young girl who came with the doctor called on you yesterday.”

Sophie beamed at the thought of Jessica and Colin but it soon fell when she recalled how the visit ended.

“Yes, she and her brother both came here yesterday and visited with me. Though I don’t think her brother Colin liked me.”

Mark let out a laugh, “A young man who doesn’t like you Monkey? I hardly believe you! He was probably just nervous!”

Sophie shook her head, “I don’t think so Papa. Colin barely said a word and left as if I had smallpox!”

Mark chuckled again and told Sophie that boys act silly like that when they are sweet on a girl.

Sophie rolled her eyes, “No Papa! I really do believe that he disliked me, which is terrible for I find him rather handsome.”

“Shh Monkey; I am sure he likes you fine. Now, I believe you’re well enough to come and sit outside for a wee while, what do you think?”

Sophie sprang up, “Oh, yes please!” She despised sitting in bed all day.

“I’ll have Matilda come up and get you dressed.”

Half an hour later, Sophie was being helped outside by her father and Grandfather Luke. The trio stopped short of the doors. The day was brilliant; the sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Sophie couldn’t wait to feel the sun on her face.

A man announced Sophie’s entrance.

“Her Highness, Princess Sophie Marie of Caledonia and Duchess of Norwood.”

This is absurd, Sophie thought; everyone here knows who I am.

The trio soon went through the doors and found themselves on a lovely patio overlooking the Lowlands.

Sophie was helped to her seat by her father.

“Thank you Papa.”

Mark smiled and took his own seat next to Sophie.

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