~ Chapter 2 ~

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Italics/Underline = English


Ryoma's POV:

"Ren! What are you doing here?" I felt my eyes go larger in wonder.

I knew it something good was going to happen.

"I missed you so much so I decided to visit you... well, technically stay with you since I am preparing to transfer to your school!" She still doesn't let go of me - not that I mind.

Ren's POV:

I finally see him again. No more fangirling through the tv.

Though, the only thing that's ruining this touching moment is she stupid stares of his senpai's and friends.

"Ehhh... now what do we have here?" an old lady asked.

"You somehow look very familiar..." I turn to the old lady while squinting my eyes.

"Heh, do I? Anyway, it looks like you have business with our freshman regular so I'll let him off this once. By the way, you should have some respect to call me by my name and not 'Old Lady'."

I look at her like she was some kind of physic. How did she bloody hell did she know?

"Don't worry I don't have any superpowers but it looks like he has quite the influence on you." She looks at Ryo-san and back at me raising her eyebrows.

"He? Who the ruddy he- Oh! Him..." I laugh lightly as I realized she was talking about Ryo-san's dad...

I looked around to see a girl with two pigtails glaring at me.

"How dare you hug my Ryoma-sama!"

I look over to Ryoma giving him a 'smiling' face.

"Ryoma-sama? Hahahahaha. That's the best thing I've ever heard so far. Does she bow down and worship you as well? I laugh out at Ryo-san.

Ryoma's POV:

Kuso, why couldn't she keep her damn mouth shut. I stole a glance at her face and saw she didn't even mind.

"She just calls me that for fun. Don't mind it."

Why couldn't she care more? Why and how can she always laugh at things like these at random times...

"Don't worry, I believe you. Totally believe you." She looked at him slightly red-faced and still laughing.

Ren's POV:

I laughed. I kept laughing. No matter how creepy I looked I kept smiling. It was the only way so no one would find out I was jealous.

"Anyway...I don't what you guys were talking about but the girl who really loves Ryoma-sama is this one. Her name is Sakuno." The girl continued saying.

I gave the girl called Sakuno a shaky smile. I couldn't suppress it anymore. I was jealous of her, over the fact that she was able to watch Ryo-san all through the times I couldn't. She was there to cheer for him and I wasn't. It made me feel like she was going to take him away. I took a deep breath and slowly walk away. Pretending to be calm.

I passed the guy who helped me earlier.

"Thank you for showing me the way to the tennis courts, Senpai," I thanked him while bowing.

"And Ryoma I'm going to visit you're mom and dad so I'll probably see you at you're house!" I shout over my shoulder, giving him a quick smile.


Maii: Another chapter! Yay!

Ryoma: I couldn't understand this. I would never get jealous.

Maii: *Sees Fuji and jump-hugs him*

Ryoma: What the hell are you doing, Fuji-sempai?

Maii: *Stares into Ryoma's eyes blankly*

Ryoma: Shut up. I was only protecting sempai's popularity. it wasn't like I was jealous and was trying to get him off you. *blush*

Momo-chan: Tsundere~ Echizen 's a tsundere~

Eiji: There's too much ruckus here so ... anyway bye bye~

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