~ Chapter 6 ~

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Italics/Underline = English


Sakuno's POV:

I ran away from her. The plan was a triumph! Now the only thing that I have to do is fake cry. Let's see how the others will react.

The door soon came in view. Just outside the door, I pressed myself to yawn three times letting the tears that accumulated fall. I hastily opened which caused everyone to look at me.

"Sakuno, are you okay? Oh my God, look at how red your cheek is! What happened out there? Is it that Ren girl?" Tomoka asked.

"No, I'm fine. Somebody just hit me by accident while they were stretching." I say knowing that they'll know that it's a lie.

"No way, Sakuno! You are far too sweet. There's no need to lie for her sake. I know she did it." Tomoka roars.

Bingo! Now that Tomoka knows I don't think she'll let this slide off. I internally smirked.

"I said I'm fine." I 'emphasized'.

Ren's POV:

I saw her run away. I don't give a shit. This has happened to me before anyway. Now you know the reason why I abhor fangirls.

They always assume that just because the boy they're fangirling over was being kind to them they think that they like her.

I took out my makeup bag. No, don't be surprised that I have a makeup bag with me since I expected this to happen anyway.

I hastily embraced the foundation that was literally dangling out and applied it to the red brand on my face.

Ryoma's POV:

I can't believe I just saw that happen. It's revolting to see how Sakuno acts behind everybody's backs.

I look back to Ren to see her looking around. I laughed silently as I saw her face.

'She's lost. She's actually really lost.' I mused to myself.

Ren's POV:

Now... Where the hell am I? The surrounding totally does not look familiar at all.

Could it be... That, someone, moved me into an unexplored terrain. God Ren, stop thinking so negatively.

Wait, I have an ingenious idea!

My favorite direction is left so all I have have to do is continuously go left but when there's no choice I'll go right. Bingo!

I feel so formidable right now!

Ryoma's POV:

That ridiculous simper of hers again. I bet she had another of her stupid ideas and now she's thinking she's awesome. I sighed. Better show her the way back to class.

Tomoka's POV:

That retarded bitch! She's gonna pay for maltreating my best friend. Though where the hell is she? The class is starting soon as well. I also noticed that Ryoma-sama is not here. I swear if they're ditching together even I wouldn't know what will happen!

Ryoma-sama needs to know that that the person he's super close with is a two-faced bitch who slaps his friends behind his back.

She is so gonna pay for doing this!


Fuji: The author is troubled.

Eiji: That's right! She said she had writer's block or something.

Inui: According to my data she was bound to lose interest anyway.

Kaidoh: Psssstttt... so that stupid freshman finally gave up, eh?

Maii: I'm right here you know *bags under eyes*.

Eiji: Chibi-chan, are you okay?

Maii: I'm not that small *pouts*.

Tezuka: Just say bye already *glares coldly*.

Maii: Stupid Tsundere *under her breath*  bye guys.

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