The Maiden And The Wolf --- Chapter 17 (Improved)

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*I'm spoiling you guys ;) Enjoy! Please comment <3*

Chapter 17

The hillside was bathed in flawless silver moonlight. The forest at the peak whispered soft gentle words and the river below trickled like falling rain.                

Elena sat on the hillside, the grass knee high waving slightly with the breeze around her. Dakota sat next to her, his black hair reflecting the moonlight. The smell of pine needles clung to him from the forest he had just walked through to get here.                                                                                                                                           

"Elena..." he murmured. His voice small and soft, she tuned to face him.            

The moon illuminated the right side of his face while the left was in left shadow, his lips parted slightly as if he was about to speak then thought better of  it. Dakota's eyes roamed down Elena's delicate body and saw for the first time that she was trembling. Then he saw that her bare slender arms were grazed and bruised as were her knees that Dakota could just see beneath the hem of her dress as she moved to true and cover them.                                                                               

Concern and anger gripped Dakota so painfully hard that as he caught Elena's wrist to stop her from hiding the wounds she gasped.                               

"What happened?" Dakota asked dangerously his voice no longer soft and small, "who did this to you?"                                                                                                      

Elena tried to hold back the tears as she raised her face to meet Dakota's but it was near impossible.                                                                                                          

"No one did it to me," she said in a small voice, her eyes gleaming with tears, "we managed to escape from the Reapers prison in the mountains but now were lost and I'm frightened and its said that cursed ghost walk the paths that we have to take."                                                                                                                     

Dakota let go of Elena's wrist but didn't speak for a long moment, his eyes searching her face for what she wasn't telling him.                                                      

"I'm guessing that 'we' isn't you and your sister is it?" his face was blanket and his words hollow; he knew what she was going to say before she said it.                   

"His name is Vell and I thought he was my friend and that I could trust him. He saved my life, he was the one who lead me out of the fire and I saved him I wrapped his wounds."                                                                                                                   

Elena stopped and took a deep breath then continued, "I thought I knew him but he has been lying to me the whole time about what kind of a person he is. Oh Dakota, I'm scared of him, I don't know what I should do. He's powerful and unpredictable."                                                                                                                                 

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