The Maiden And The Wolf---Chapter 9 (improved)

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Chapter 9 of the Maiden and the Wolf (Improved)

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Dimly Elena woke the next morning her ears still ringing with her fathers shouts, she had lied to him saying she had just needed to get away from everything for a few days; she used her mothers resent death as an excuse and endured her fathers response of how stupid she had been and how thoughtless and selfish her actions had been. Elena was hurt by the truth behind her father's words but she promised herself that once Dakota hold her the truth so would she to her father.                                                                                                                      

Blinking against the bright sunlight streaming through the window, Elena listened for the normal morning sounds of the village outside but there was none. There was no dogs barking, no welcoming chatter from the villages, even no birdsong. Instead there was just an empty ghostly silence.                                            

Something was terribly wrong then the screaming started.                                  

Elena scrambled out of bed and flew to her window, she stared out and saw to her horror that the village was on fire. The flames were spreading quickly jumping from building to building, the air was filled with thick grey smoke that stung Elena's nose and made her eyes water. Through the smoke materialized a group of strange men all shrouded in sweeping black cloaks with large hoods that cast their faces into shadows. An air of dark sorcery clung to the strangers.       

Fear gripped Elena like an iron fist; she couldn't take her eyes off them, her eyes flashed from hooded face to hooded face.                                                                 

"Elena!" shouted her father bursting into her room.                                                          Elena wheeled around and her heart skipped a beat as she saw her father fitted out in leather armour and sword. Her eyes found more leather armour in his arms just before he threw it at her.                                                                           

"Put it on," ordered her father, he caught his daughters confused looked and snapped, "don't ask questions Elena just do it!"                                                       

Elena tugged the tight fitting armour over her night dress and her father buckled the sides up as Elena tied the laces of the arms and shin pieces. Falling to her knees Elena reached under her bed and pulled out the sword and strapped it around her waist then seized her bow and quiver full of arrows and flung them across her back.                                                                                                              

"Father, who are those men? And why are they burning down are village?" whispered Ren who stood frozen in the doorway of Elena's bedroom.                

"Their Reapers," hissed their father as he grabbed both of his daughters and hurried them downstairs and towards the front door.                                     

"But what do they want?" gasped Elena, her mind flicking to Dakota and wondering where he was and if he was alright.                                                           

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