Holding On To It Closely

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***Couple Years Later, Ricky's POV***

Kat and I were chasing Ryder around the house. He thought it was funny to get into our make-up. Which it was. He was covered in pale foundation, eyeliner, and eyeshadow. He just likes to play around so that is why we were chasing him. And the fact that he needs a bath now.

"Ryder Allen!" Kat called. He stopped right in his footsteps and slowly turned towards us. She motioned him to come over to us and he did. I picked him up, looked at Kat, then we smothered him in kisses, making him giggle. "Ryder, you can't keep getting into mommy and daddy's make-up, okay? We need it for work."

"Otay. Can I has make-up? I wants look like daddy!" He exclaimed.

"We'll get you some make-up honey." Kat said, kissing his nose.


"But right now, you have to go hop in the bath because you are absolutely covered in make-up." I said, tapping his nose. He shook his head no, obviously indicating that he didn't want to take a bath. "Hey, you did this to yourself, mister."

"No bath." He said stubbornly.

"Yes bath. Or else you can't get your own make-up." Kat said. Ryder's eyes widened then he smiled.

"Bath!" He yelled excitedly, throwing his arms up in the air. Kat and I laughed at Ryder's change of heart.

"Let's go, you adorable weirdo." Kat chuckled. "I'll go get his bath ready."

"Alright. Come on little man, let's go get some clothes."

"Otay." Ryder replied. We walked upstairs to his room. I set him down and went to his dresser.

"What do you want to wear, Ryder?" I asked. He made the motion for me to pick him up so I did.

"Motionwess shirt, daddy!" He squealed. I chuckled then grabbed his shirt. I picked up a pair of pants along with some socks.

"Ricky, Ryder's bath is ready!" Kat said from downstairs.

"Be down in a minute." I replied. "Ready for your bath, little man?"


***After Ryder's Bath, Kat's POV***

Ryder was all cleaned up, thanks to Ricky. Now we were at the park where Ricky was pushing him on one of the toddler swings.

"Higher, daddy!" Ryder cheered. Ricky pushed him a little higher, giving me a slight heart attack. A lady came and sat down next to me as she watched her kids.

"Excuse me, miss?" The lady asked. I turned towards her and my jaw about dropped. It was the lady from my first ultrasound appointment. Her face twisted in disgust. "Never mind." Of all places that I could come across this woman, she appears at a local park in the state where I live. My first ultrasound wasn't even in Pennsylvania! It was in fucking Maine!

"What? Do you have more snide remarks about my family? About how my husband and I might be raising our son?"

"You don't deserve to be parents." She spat.

"And you do? Because you're a God-fearing, dress-wearing, woman who's skin isn't covered in ink and the only piercings you have are in your ears?"

"Yes! You're leading that child down the wrong path in life! He's going to become a criminal!"


"His parents are criminals!"

"Excuse me? Please explain."

"You and your husband are in bands who scream at people and tell them to kill themselves."

"No, we're not. I'm all about looking for the good in people and I've tried looking for it in you. I cannot find it whatsoever. Let me tell you something, lady. I'm a former lawyer who still keeps up to date with current laws. I know right from wrong, as does my husband. You tell me that we're bad people? We try our best to help people. If you ever come across our lyrics, please note that not once do we ever tell people to kill themselves."

"I find that unbelievable."

"Of course you do! Because we're not like you!" I snapped. "My son is being raised in a good home. We teach him what we feel is right from wrong. We do not condone bullying, hazing, rudeness, etcetera. We cherish every moment we get with our son. My husband and I are on tour a majority of the year-"

"That's why you're bad parents!"

"Before I got interrupted, my husband and I are on tour a majority of the year but our son knows that he is loved completely by my husband and I. We do every thing to make that little boy happy. If he's sad, we cheer him up. If he's scared, we do everything in our power to make the monsters go away. If he's happy, then we're happy. Don't judge us by the way we look because we sure as hell don't do it to you. I am so ecstatic to be a mother to such a wonderful little boy and I'm ecstatic to be a wife to such a wonderful man. They are my entire world and I will do anything for them. And you tell me that I'm a bad person? I call bullshit. I don't judge people by the way they look. It's not how I am. I'm leaving now." I stood up and grabbed my bag.

"I hope you rot in hell!" She spat.

"I'll see you there, miss." I replied with a smirk. She gasped then stormed away. I walked towards Ricky and Ryder who were still swinging. "Time to go, babies." Ricky stopped Ryder and pulled him out of the swing.

"You okay, babe?" Ricky asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Yeah. I just saw that lady who was talking crap to us at my first ultrasound appointment."


"I basically told her to fu-screw off. I am so sick of people like that." I sighed. Ricky pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry, she'll get what is coming to her." Ricky said.

"I know. I just hate being told that I'm a bad mother for looking the way I do."

"As long as you know your not then that is all that matters. Trust me. You are the best mother out there."

"Thank you, babe. I love you."

"You're welcome. And I love you too."

"I wuv you mommy!" Ryder squealed.

"I love you too, baby. Don't forget daddy."

"I wuv you daddy!" He said, wrapping his arms around Ricky's neck.

"I love you too, little man." Ricky chuckled.

If this is what a bad family looks like to that woman, then she needs to get her eyes checked. There is nothing but love between Ricky, Ryder, and I. And that will never change. I love my husband and I love my son. I will die for these two without a second thought in mind. I don't know what I would do without them. But I'm not going to think about that.

All I have to say is don't judge someone by their looks, their tastes, their skin, their heritage, their religion, by anything. Judge them on how they act towards you. That's all it is.

The end.

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