It Just Takes Time

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***Few Months Later***

"Kat, I'm so nervous."

"It's just another session, Ricky." I said softly. We were standing in his bedroom, getting ready. Well he was. Let me tell you, he looks hot in a suit. I walked behind him and put my hands on his shoulders, rubbing then slightly. "It's just another day of questioning. Nothing to worry about."
"I know. Do you think the jury believes my story?"

"I can't promise you anything, baby. But I hope so."

"Baby?" He smirked, half-heartedly.

"It kinda slipped. I'm sorry." I murmured looking down. Ricky turned around and lifted my face up to his.

"Don't be sorry. I know that this may not last beyond this trial but-nevermind."

"No, Ricky. Please tell me."

"Kat, will you, uh, be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.

"Yeah, Ricky. I'll be your girlfriend." He cupped my face and kissed me softly. I looked at my watch and pecked his lips once more. "We've got to get going or we're going to be late."



Ricky was on the stand and I had to question him. It was getting very intense.

"Mr. Olson, what were you doing in Philadelphia on the night of Rose Weathers murder?"

"My band was playing a show." I sneaked a glance at the jury who were paying attention. That's good and bad. Good because they're getting all the info. Bad because we don't know what they're thinking.

"How long does a show last on average?"

"Depends on how many bands we're touring with. This last tour, there were 2 other bands. So about three and a half to four hours."

"Where was your bus parked after the show?"

"Outside of the venue. We weren't going to be traveling again till the next day." Ricky was really nervous so I gave him a look to calm a bit.

"How far away do you believe the bus was from the gas station?"

"I walked there so no more then half a block."

"How long did it take you to get there?"

"Ten minutes at most."

"And to walk back to the bus?"

"About fifteen minutes. I walked slower on my way back due to the fact that I was drinking a Rockstar and smoking a cigarette."

"Did you hear anything on your way back?"

"Nothing but my feet hitting the ground."

"Would you have any reason whatsoever to murder Rose?"

"No. Not at all. I walked into the gas station, grabbed two Pink Lemonade Rockstars and two packs of Marlboro Menthols. I made my way to the counter, paid for it all, said thanks, and left." He replied.

"That's all for now, your honor."

"Mr. Wayzetta?" The judge questioned as I sat down.

"Mr. Olson, why do you wear all black?"

"It's how I dress on a daily basis, on and off stage."

"What kind of band is your band?"

"Objection! How is the genre of Mr. Olson's band relevant?"

"Your honor, according to my-"

"Overruled. Please ask a different question."

"Do you have any anger issues?"

"No, sir."

"Do you get upset easily?"

"Only if I play a note incorrectly."

"What do you do when that happens?"

"Quit playing for a minute."

"How long have you played guitar?"

"Almost fifteen years. I've been playing guitar since I was a teenager."

"Why do you drink Rockstar energy?"

"Objection. Relevance?" I asked forcefully.

"Your honor, one could speculate that the ingredients could cause Mr. Olson, or anyone for that matter, to act impulsively."

"Objection. It's an energy drink. All it does is give you an energy burst. Not a longing to kill a person."

"Overruled. Change the question."

"No more questions, your honor."

"Mr. Olson, you may step down now." Ricky nodded then stepped down and walked back to his seat next to me.

"The jury is paying attention. It's good because that means they're trying to get all the facts. It's bad because we don't know what they're thinking." I whispered to Ricky.

"I know that it's the jury who decides everything but being that the judge overruled Wayzetta multiple times, could that affect, hopefully in a good way, the jury's decision?" He whispered in reply.

"Quite possibly. I see it as a good thing. If I were on that jury, that would make me think 'hey if the judge feels this way, maybe this guy isn't a criminal' and that could be for any situation." I replied. Ricky nodded then we sat back. This is the most intense case I've ever had.

***Ricky's Place, Few Weeks Later***

Ricky and I were laying on his couch, me on top of him. Not like that! We don't always have sex. We were watching a movie on Netflix. He was playing with my hair.

"I really love spending time with you." Ricky murmured.

"I really love spending time with you too, Ricky." I replied softly. He smiled then kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. Then we were interrupted by the boys.

"Well this is different. I thought you guys were just having a fling. Guess not." Chris said. Ricky and I sat up, sitting close together. We intertwined our fingers and just looked at the guys.

"Are you guys officially together now?" Ryan-Ashley asked. We nodded. "When did it happen?"

"The morning of my court date a few weeks ago." Ricky replied.

"Well then. Congratulations." Balz said. "We brought food." We all made our way to the kitchen to eat. It seems like they are all okay with it. I sure hope so because, well, I'm in love with Ricky. I don't know if he feels the same way but that's whatever.

***Few Hours Later, Ricky's POV***

Kat and I were sitting in bed, talking about random stuff. I really hope the jury finds me innocent because I don't think I'll be able to live without her.

"Ricky, there's something I've been thinking about." Here it comes. She can no longer be with me because it's interfering too much with the case.

"What is it?"

"After your case is over, I think I'm going to stop being a lawyer." Phew. Not what I was expecting.


"Well, I'm just unhappy with the profession. It's not even what I wanted to do with my life. I actually wanted to be a singer." She said softly. "I don't mind helping people. But I want to help in a different."

"If that is what you want then I fully support you. I want you to be happy." I replied, holding her close. She leaned down and kissed me softly, holding my face delicately in her hands. "Kat, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, baby?" Kat asked, resting her forehead against mine.

"I love you." I said nervously.

"Good. Because I love you too." She replied, smiling. I kissed her hard, holding her close to me.

Having her with me makes all of this so much easier. And now that I know that she loves me makes it even better.

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