Ch.22 Happiness

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Noel's POV

Neymar was at practice and I was all alone in the house so I decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air. I walked down the street to a park near our house and sat on the bench watching the kids play. "How far along are you?" A woman asked me as she sat beside me on the bench. "About six months" I said rubbing my stomach. "Boy are Girl?" She asked. "Both" I said smiling. "Aww your having twins congrats" she said smiling. "Thanks do you have any kids?" I asked her. "Just two right over there" she said pointing towards a little boy and girl that looked about five years old. "Their so cute" I said. "You must be excited have you taken any Mommy and Me classes yet" she asked. "No not yet" I sighed. "Well I'm actually an instructor and I'd be happy to give you lessons" she said. "Yeah that would be great" I said as we exchanged information. "Nice meeting you" she said. "Same to you" I said as I headed back to the house. "Neymar would be happy that I got instructor to help me get ready to be a mother and it'll ease both of our minds" I thought as I walked back into the house. "Where were you?" Neymar asked who was sitting on the couch. "At the park for some fresh air" I said. "Sit let me give you a foot rub" he said. "Thanks" I said taking off my shoes and sitting beside him. "How was your day?" He asked. "I actually found an instructor for a mommy and me class while I was at the park" I said. "Thanks great" he said smiling and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "The baby shower is in a couple of week did you invite the guys?" I asked. "Yeah their all on board and their bringing the wife's/girlfriends and the kids he said. Usually only the women attend the baby shower but I wanted this to feel family orientated so their will be activities for the guys/girls/ and the kids. "Good I'm so excited and I can't wait to see everybody and then Davi and Caroline will be back in town by then" I said. "Yep it's gonna be great" he said giving me a kiss. "I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said.


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