Chapter Six.

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Jane and Maura had stopped off at their local coffee shop on the corner by BPD before work. Jane had stood close behind her fiancé in the que keeping her close as the shop was filled with either creepy looking men eyeing Maura up or young hooded teenagers.

Jane knew something wasn't right. It looked suspicious, So she kept herself close to the doctor and kept and eye on the customers. Maura however, was oblivious to the atmosphere and just kept herself occupied by looking on the menus above the counter. As the que went down slowly, more people began standing around awkwardly.

'Maur, come on. Forget the coffee' Jane said in a low voice pulling the blonde by her elbow and turning on her heels.

'Wha-' Maura spoke but was cut off by a hard tug.

Jane pushed the door open violently and walked Maura to her car as if she was a suspect in one of their top crimes.

'Jane! Stop, what's going on?' Maura snapped pulling from the Italians grip on her arm and turning so she was facing her and her back was against Jane's cruiser.

'Maur, get in the car' Jane said in a low growl as she stared at the reflection in her back window of a hooded man getting closer to them. Maura was about to ask what was wrong again when the man shoved Jane aside and pulled on Maura's bag. Maura screamed and let lose of the bag letting the man go, but before he did get high on his heels he shoved his fist into Maura pushing her to the ground. As he turned to run he was met with a forceful shove from Jane, pushing him across the pavement.

Jane wasted no time in pulling the man from the ground by his hood and shoving his face hard into the brick wall of the coffee shop they had not long ago left. She pulled his head back and connected it hard to the wall splitting the skin on his forehead causing a gush of blood to pour out.

'Jane! Stop!' Maura yelled to her fiancé who seemed to be oblivious to her and the people around.

'Jane!' Another yell from Maura.

Finally she held the bleeding man by the scuff of his collar holding her fist back ready to slam it into his face but stopped and took a breath. She lowered her hand and dragged the man slowly over to Maura.

'Apologize' Jane demanded in a booming voice.

'Jane..Pleas-' Maura whispered looking at the Italian. Jane just looked at the man forcing his apology.

'Apologies!' Another boom from the Italian.

'I..I'm sorry' he stuttered before Jane dropped him and he scattered to the floor before quickly jumping up and sprinting off down the path.

Jane watched him go and brushed the hair from her face. Looking around she saw the small group of people watching and felt embarrassed. She felt a soft hand take her right one and another hand gently brush across her cheek.

'Jane..honey' Maura said softly.

Jane looked down at the doctor with an apologetic smile.

'I'm sorry Maur, are you alright?' She asked softly taking the blonde in her arms gently.

'Yes I'm fine. Let me see your hand' Maura said pulling back and taking the Italians hand in her own.

'God Jane, you need to ease up on your anger a little' Maura said still studying the detectives hand.

Maura had always known Jane had a bad temper. She could control it very well but when something threatened her or really got to her, she just saw red and turned into something Maura was honestly frightened of. She knew Jane would never lay a finger on her it didn't mean she couldn't be scared. She loved Jane truly, and knew what she was getting into and took it all on board. Love is love after all.

'Here let me-' Maura was cut off by a loud shot ringing through the narrow street she was standing in. Her ears rung and she dropped Jane's hand to cover her ears and bend down to the car. Only when she opened her eyes did she realize Jane had been shot and sprawled across the pavement. Panick had set in.

Maura was calm in these situations, when someone had been rushed to her from a bullet wound, she was calm. But Jane, how could she be calm.

A sudden sob left the blondes lips as she began to move to the detective, but she was soon stopped when another two piercing gun shot rung through the streets. She jumped back and this is when the tears began to fall freely from her hazel eyes. She began to panick more knowing she couldn't get to Jane.


Jane was bleeding out right in front of her. From where she was she could see the detective had been only hit once in the stomach and that she was still conscious. Somewhere between the shot and falling to the pavement, Jane had pulled her hands up to the wound. Her breathing was heavy and becoming less and less full.

'J..Jane' Maura sobbed quietly trying to get a reaction from her fiancé.

Jane's head slowly turned and she blinked a few times scrunching her eyebrows.

Maura sighed in relief before whipping the few tears and slowly crawling closer to the deletective and taking her hand. Quickly she examined her before turning to scan the streets and buildings for any shooters. She had to make a quick decision. Jane would bleed out if she couldn't get in the right position to help.

'Its okay Baby, you're going to be okay'

Maura shoved her arms under Jane's and pulled the detective as quickly as she could to a secluded ally near their car behind a dustbin where she wheeled it out wider to block them from anything in the main street. Maura shrugged off her coat and layer it under Jane's head as she pulled out her cell and dialed Korsaks number.

'You're going to be okay Jane' shakily Maura tried to treasure her.


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