|Chapter 10|

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"Come on let me show you our room" Said August. It was 9:45 -,-.
"Finally, I already got married and had two kids" I said sarcasticly.

"Well I like ta take my time" he said winking then walking upstairs. I know he just didn't, I shuggred and shook my head then followed him.

We walked in and I sat on the un made bed. I looked around it was bare. Then we looked at each other and looked away. "Why you look at me?" He asked.

"Cause you looked at me" I said pulling out some clothes. "Whateva I'm finna shower" he said.

"Uh uh, I waited this long I'm going first" I said walking to the restroom. "The hell you ain't" he said following me.

"The hell I am" I replied turning around looking at him."Shit you then lost ya mind, you in my room you listening to me." He said.

"Yeah right" I said turning on the water. "Alright then" he said and walked out closing the door. I narrowed my eye's something was fishy.

After I took a short shower, cause someone wanna waist my time. I brushed my hair, and my teeth, put on some lotion and perfume on, put on my bra and panties, then got dressed in my Nike crop top, Nike sweat pants, Nike socks, and Nike slides.

I put my hair up in a curly bun then walked to the door. I twisted it and it didn't open. "What the fuck" I mumbled as I kept jiggling it.

"August open the door this isn't funny" I said hitting it I was really mad. He didn't come. "Man I swear if you don't open this door" I warned. Then the door flew open.

August was just laughing. "Shits not funny" I said crossing my arms. "It is to me, rememba next time yo ass jump in front of me, cause next time I ain't letting you out till afta we eat" he whispered to me as he walked in the restroom.

I walked downstairs, where everyone was in the living room, in their sleepwear, all eyes on me. "Do I look good?" I laughed.

"I ain't gon lie you cute but uh what that mouth do thoe" Anthony joked. "See you just nasty" I said pushing him. "Whateva' im jus curious" he said licking his lips.

"Mhmm" I hummed. "Hey jas, jojo" I said waving. They smiled in wave its hard to tell them apart. But I know one is crazier then the other.

We were all talking when Mrs.D came out. "Dinner Time!" she yelled. It smelled really good.

I haven't have a meal like this in a while. We struggled with money, bills, etc. That's why king got into the streets.

Tonight we were eating Gumbo. August joined shortly he looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

The kitchen has multiple tables, an island, and a huge kitchen. But squad told me they sit at the bar which is also in the kitchen.

"OK hope since your new, you will say grace and maybe a prayer for tonight if you can" Mrs Diana smiled. "Yes, I don't mind" I said.

We all gathered in a circle, clinging hands, and bowing our heads.

"Dear Lord. We ask you to bless this meal we are about to eat tonight. We ask to bless this drink we are about to drink. We ask you guide us in the right way, some of us our lost, we ask you guide them. We ask that one of you angels can come down from heaven and watch us sleep peacefully, watch people on there way home. We also ask you let us all wake up in the morning. In the name of Jesus I pray...Amen" I said tears forming a little in my eyes. Everyone said Amen then everyone went to eat.

"Can I be excused?" I asked Mrs. D. "Sure" she said. I know I'm lost I feel like I have nobody, but I know I do, but who?

Beautiful prayer right





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