Chapter 6 ~ Operation Long Live the Queen

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The doorbell rang and while trying to ignore the icy glares I was receiving from Hayley, I went to open the door. In the frame stood Snow, Belle, Rose and Rapunzel with their bags and a huge card that said get better. I waved to their moms as I invited them in, shutting the door behind them.

“Ella, should you really be on your foot?” Rose asked in a motherly tone.

“Jeez, it’s been forever since I’ve been in here,” Snow commented.

“Yeah -” was all I could say before my dad came in and interrupted me.

“Hi, girls. Um, I was just showing the Mardios out. They have to continue packing.” As if on cue Andrew came into the room his parents behind him. I felt Snow give me a little push but when I looked back my friends were consumed in giggles.

Shooting them glares to control themselves, I shook Andrew, his mom and dad’s hands, “Nice meeting you. See you in school, Andrew.” He half nodded back, as if he barely cared then walked over to Hayley. I knew he was just doing as I asked him to - making sure Hayley and him went to the dance as a couple.

I looked at my friends, who had confused expressions on their faces. Oh, yeah. I never told them. I’ll do it when we get upstairs, I  thought to myself. I motioned for us to go up the stairs. It took me a little longer since I wasn’t walking-- more of a zombie step if anything but with the help of my friends and my dad I made it up.

As we entered my room, my dad told me that he had to leave for work now. Giving him a kiss good bye, I waved him out the door. I turned around to some very suspicious friends. After, I sat down and propped up my leg the questioning began.

“So, what was that all about, downstairs?” Snow questioned.

“What, you mean opening doors? It’s an American custom.Did I not execute that properly?” I replied sarcastically, using a really bad fake british accent for the last part.

“No, that boy.” Snow said bluntly.

“Yeah. Was that Andrew?” Belle asked me. I nodded in reply getting multiple squeals as a result.

“Details now,” Snow said excitedly.

“I agree what is he doing here?” Rapunzel inquired almost jumping up and down.

I explained how he was my new neighbor receiving many comments from Rose about ‘fate’ and ‘true love’. I went further to explain my plan to them about the favor I asked of Andrew. Keeping my voice low when I told them so Hayley couldn’t hear if she was eavesdropping. I got a more surprising reaction than I expected.

“You told him, WHAT?!?!” Belle asked, half yelling. She was always one of the people that liked romantic things. Most of the ideas came from the books she read.

“Shh... you don’t want Hayley or Penny hearing my plan,” I quieted her.

“Please she is probably still down stairs with Andrew.” Snow said with obvious hate.

I shrugged not really caring but I knew my friends did, “I told him to take Hayley to the dance, as a favor for me.”

“Girl, you have a messed up head sometimes.” Rose said, shaking her head in disapproval.

“Well, what did he say?” Belle asked looking at me, “Did he say yes?”

“Well, he um, said to save a slow dance for him. Then he gave me his number,” I said shyly, hoping they wouldn’t freak out. I really should have had more hope.

“OMG, that’s like total guy signals that he likes you.” Snow exclaimed and I could see an idea forming in her head.

I blushed and tried to deny her accusations, “What? No- he doesn’t like me. I think I would know if he did.”

“Except you did basically ask him to ask out Hayley. Which to him probably meant you didn’t like him.” Rose pointed out.

I frowned at her and raised an eyebrow, “Okay, so what? We don’t even know each other.”

“Half the characters I read about barely know each other and they fall in love,” Belle said dreamily.

“Yes but half the characters you read about have some serious problems.” Snow mentioned.

Belle stuck her tongue out and giggled, “So, you have to admit they do fall in love really fast.”

“Yeah, how do they fall in love  after only knowing someone for only a day?” Rapunzel wondered aloud, brushing her long hair.

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s that whole ‘love at first sight’ kind of thing.” Rose proposed to us.

“Do you really believe that kind of stuff?” I asked mainly her but it was a question for the whole room.

“Yeah,  don’t you?” Rose responded for everyone.

“Well, yeah but after living with you know who, I kind of gave up on it.” I answered honestly.

“Well maybe after Operation Long Live the Queen, you may start to believe again,” Snow said hopefully.

I could hardly take in what she said, I was laughing so hard, “I’m sorry. Operation what?”

She pouted slightly and clarified, “Well, I figured we might as well have a name for it and that seemed like the best one.”

Rapunzel backed her up, “Yeah, I kind of like it.  It has a nice ring to it.”

“Besides that wasn’t the point of what I was saying.” Snow continued, “I was trying to say that there is a way to bring back hope.”

I looked around my bedroom and thought about it. Carefully I said, “All my life, up until  six months ago, I had always been told that happy endings, true love’s first kiss, and love at first sight existed. Now, ever since my mom died, I had given up hope. Maybe it’s time to bring it back.” They all came up to give me a hug. I loved my friends and I had no clue what I would do without them.

I started to also think about what the nurse said, I don't know why but this connected to her story. Maybe it was because the girl in her story didn't exactly get a happy ending then had to watch her sister get one. Maybe she lost hope too soon and turned on everyone who did have it. I remembered how Hayley always got jealous of me in elementary school because some boy liked me over her.  Even though we were sisters, she still didn't  like me. Was it possible that was why? No, she would never hold a grudge over something that small. Or maybe that is just one peice of the puzzle. I shook myself out of my daze, knowing that while it was a crazy theory but also that part of it may be true.

Turning my attention back to my friends, I was about to thank them when  Hayley came crashing through the door, her face red. In her eyes there was an invisible but well fueled fire of hate.  She glared at me then at all of my friends. If we were the royal court, we would be in huge trouble because this was not a very happy queen.





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