Epilogue (Bonus Scene) - An NHL-Superhero Alternate Universe

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Meanwhile, (A little bit earlier)

Rinaldo blinked awake. He was in so much pain right now, but he was able to push through it and slowly the pain ceased as he healed himself. Though the regeneration process was long, he eventually pushed himself up. He got to his feet and cracked his neck. He transformed back into a human.

"Those heroes will pay for this! Especially that blue furry mutant!"

He was about to walk toward the United Center, when he was joined by Dion Phaneuf and David Clarkson and soon the rest of the villains.

"Can we kill those no good brats now?" Phil Kessel whined.

"No!" Avery snapped. "But...it seems they have a healer...or two...I'd like to thank our spy, for the knowledge..." He looked to the side, to Steve Ott, who smiled, flashing his canines. The Sabretooth-like supervillain raised his hand up and brought his sharp claw-nails across the concrete of the monorail tracks.

"I wouldn't mind sinking my nails into John Tavares' Islander flesh!" Ott sneered. "After all, I wanted to so badly after he shot a puck grenade at me!"

Avery patted him. "In time, my feline friend. In time. The Hockey Heroes may have won this time, but we'll get them next time...sooner or later those precious healers will belong to us and then when they are...we'll take it to them all!"

"Yeah! Puny heroes!" Tyler Myers boomed, stomping his foot hard on Madison Street and denting it.

Avery snickered, looking back at the UC and then he turned back to Ott. "One thing, who are the healers?"

Ott faced him, scowling wickedly. "You're gonna love this, Avery."

"Who are they Ott?" Avery demanded.

"Patrick Kane and Tyler Seguin."

Zenon Konopka stomped forward, the fire chain draped around his neck. "That Chromokinetic failure of a spy is a healer?"

"Yup." And with that, all of the villain vaporized into thin air.


Back in the real world,

In Boston, Massachusetts,

Valeri Nichushkin, Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, Jamie Benn, Tyler Seguin, Vladislav Namestnikov, Nikita Zadorov, Nikita Nesterov, John Tavares, Ben Smith, Gabriel Landeskog, and Nathan Mackinnon all reappear in the middle of the Hockey Avengers headquarters.

Nathan looks around him. "Where am I? What is this place? Gabriel!"

"Welcome to the Hockey Avengers Headquarters, Nathan Mackinnon," Gabriel states.

"Wha--the Hockey Avengers?" Nathan questions. "What the hell's that?"

Before a reply comes to him, Evelyn, Kelly, Brooke, Sidney and Evgeni Malkin appears, along with Brad Hawkley.

"They're back!" Evelyn cries, racing forward to Val. They share a hug with one another. "What happened? You were here one moment and then vanished. Gone. Hawkley checked the supercomputer, trying to locate you but you were gone. Only we remained."

"For the record, Geno didn't think you'd make it!" Sidney teases.

"You lucky you no animal, Sid. Russia no like." Evgeni crosses his arms in front of him.

Before anyone else can speak a loud bark echoes toward them.

"NIKITA!!" Tyler screams as a flash of golden brown flies between the Penguins and launches at Tyler, knocking him backward to the floor. "Missed you too buddy!"

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