Battle #5: Ben Smith vs Jimmy Howard

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A man dressed in a red and black colored suit like Captain America's flung his shield at another man. His outfit was water and fire retardant (which offered a medium level of resistance to electric shocks and force impacts and the suit couldn't be pieced by normal conventional sharp edged materials like sharp wood, glass, iron, copper and aluminum); the suit also gave him some resistance to high temperatures.

This second guy was dressed in a stretchy black outfit like the villain Venom. On his chest, he had a massive Red Wing symbol etched into the weird costume. The shield missed him, as he did an acrobatic backflip out of the way.

"This is your last chance, stand down or be destroyed. I don't like bullies, no matter where they come from!" the first guy dressed like Captain America snarled.

"Oh, aren't you just a breath of fresh air, Benjamin Smith!" came the response.

Ben Smith raised his hand up, catching his shield as it came back to him. "More than you'll be Howard!" Ben snapped back, walking forward, getting ready to throw his shield out again.

Jimmy Howard smirked and threw his hand out, shooting his web at Ben. The Blackhawk attempted to raise his shield up but he wasn't quick enough. Also, the webbing wrapped around his legs, yanking him to the ground. He crashed to the grass of his dramatic arena: the Garfield Park, just west of the United Center.

Jimmy shot more of the web at him, making it so that his arms were immobilized. Ben wriggled on the ground, trying to get free, to get to his shield but Jimmy bent down and snatched the object up. "It's certainly not metal that's for sure..." the villain spoke to himself, smirking.

"Of course not!" Ben snapped.

He focused all of his energy into his arms and legs and burst through the webbing, jumping to his feet. He had surprised the villain, as he snatched his shield back and then kicked his legs out from under him. The hero then proceeded to physically beat the hell out of the villain. But his anger clouded him and he was flung backward. He slammed into a tree, face first and hit his head on a tree branch.

Ben was kneeling on the ground, dazed from the collision. He had one hand covering the long gash on his other arm. His mask was half-torn, but there was that unmistakable look of passion in his eyes, reserved for his bravery and confidence. "You can't win!"

"Really?" Jimmy just looked at the wounded man, not attempting to help. He didn't feel the need. Why should he? He was a villain.

"Who can help you out against me?" Jimmy replied savagely. "I'll break your bones." He paced on the cracked floor.

'What happened to you, Howard?'

What was this? Was he trying his hand at digging up remorse? Regret? Was there any in the villain?


"Jimmy Howard's dead, Benjamin," came Jimmy's retort. "He was weak as a good guy, no being despicable is much better."

"What happened to make you like this... what happened—" the brave hero started, but was cut short.

"Don't you dare!" Jimmy had stopped his pacing and placed his hand around Ben's throat. Through his black, puffy eyes, he watched the villain with horror as the man continued to snarl at him, "Don't you dare try to sweet talk me into being good! Whatever humanity I had died the day you became a hero! When you—"

"It was the only way to save my team from losing, you would've done the same in my shoes!" gasped Ben through Jimmy's chokehold. "The needs of the many—"

"I don't care. You illegally hit me and knocked me out of the playoffs, hurting my precious Red Wings."

There was a terrible roar of agony. A scream of pain, a snap, and then...

Arrow Hawk: Battle for the Ice - The Great NHL War (Book 4)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu