Battle #10: Patrice Bergeron and Corey Crawford vs Tyler Myers and Keith Ballard

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"Fucking right Chicago! Woo! Biggest bunch of beauties in the league. Fuck yeah! Fucking worked our nuts off for this trophy. Woohoo!! No one will ever take this away from us, we're the champs!" Corey Crawford screamed out. "That was my speech after we creamed you pussys in the Final!"

Patrice Bergeron and Corey Crawford were walking through downtown, hanging out together. Patrice had on a red and white Team Canada jacket with a pair of jeans. Corey had on a black shirt and jeans.

"I'm not letting you get to me, man. I mean...hey Corey, we never get to hang or talk. I just wanna say that you're a spectacular goalie. If I weren't playing for Tuukka, I'd gladly choose you!"

"Fucking right! We'd win all the fucking games! With you and Jonny! Shit, we'd be unstoppable! We're the Chicago Fucking Blackhawks!" Corey shouted, enthusiastically. "Right on, man. Right on."

"Uh, yeah...what about you being in Boston though?"

Corey halted and faced Patrice, who halted a few feet ahead. "Boston?"

"Yeah. What if you came to Boston?"

"You know what the difference is between a person from Boston and a baby?" Corey asked, smiling.

Patrice pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Please, please don't. Let's not do this again..."

"The baby will stop whining after a while! Ha! I just learned that joke!" Corey elbowed Patrice in the shoulder.

"Very funny Crow."

"I'm a fucking riot, right?"

Patrice sighed and looked around. There wasn't anyone around, which was odd. Chicago was eerily quiet. It was almost too foreboding. He pushed the worry to the side...if he showed anything, Corey was bound to eat it up and spit out a clever insult chirp at him. And he wasn't in the mood for Corey chirping him. He'd always heard Corey was the soft, easy-going one...this was someone who was off-the-charts. He was like a buzzed Brad Marchand.

"Ooh, ooh, I got like a ton more. Why are the Bruins like grizzly bears?"

Patrice spun to him and raised an eyebrow. "Crow...please stop...maybe this is why I don't hang out with you...well at least that is my thought process now." He folded his arms across his chest.

"Every fall they go into hibernation!" Corey spat poking Patrice in the shoulder.

"Yes, yes, I get it..." Patrice looked down and shook his head.

"Fucking right you get it!"

Suddenly there was thunderous booming sound. Both men halted in their tracks and spun around.

"Oh shit!" Corey gasped.

"Would you can the cussing man?" Patrice snapped.

"Why would I do that? It's super hard...I mean, hell, I'm wired to spew out--!" Corey was cut off as a large hulk-like green figure stepped into view. He gawked at it in a snooty fashion, putting his hands on his hips. "What the FUCK is that?!"

"Corey!" Patrice scolded.

The big figure held two sabres in his hands. And he didn't look very happy...but he did look familiar. He stomped toward them.

"Are we getting attacked by the Hulk's smaller cousin, cause," Corey pointed with a thumb at the big green guy and scoffed, "I'm not afraid of that!"

The figure leaned down toward them and let out a fierce growl. Spit and rank breath hit the two Canadians. That was enough for Patrice, who dropped onto all fours like an animal and let out a screaming growl which morphed into a bear roar. Fur came from his face which then spread down his body rapidly. As he transformed, his clothes were torn to shreds and the remaining pieces fell to the ground. There went another of his shirts. His face quickly turned into a snout and resembled a bear's and the rest of his body joined the bear look. Claws unsheathed from his hands, which changed into giant bear paws and they scratched the cement sidewalk they stood on.

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