Chapter 1

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     I am twenty-seven today. I stopped by my brothers grave as I do every year but today was different because I am the same age as he was before he passed on. He was the last piece of blood family that I had and he was murderd by someone he loved. The only good that came out of my brothers death was meeting Day. The One who's heart I stole and destroyed, he left too. I can remember cradling his head in my lap and crying because i was watching someone I love die in my arms. I haven't loved anybody like that for ten years. I did date the Elector, Anden, for a couple years but he broke it off knowing that I never loved him deep down. 

      Currently I am walking to Tess and Posaco's high rise in Ruby for my birthday celebration. Each year I tell them not to but they always find a way to make me come. This year they told me someone special will be coming. I hope its not Anden. After we broke up it has been immensely awkward  when we are in the same room for expanded amounts of time. A tap on my shoulder breaks me out of my thoughts. I pivot on the heal of my foot to see someone who I let go of a long time ago. Daniel Alton Wing. 

      " You look really familiar, Do I know you?" He asks.

     " I was the solider sent into your hospital room after you woke up from your coma ten years ago"  He looks down than bak up into my eyes.

    " I feel like you were much more important to me than just some soldier." because I was

     "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I was just some soldier" I say choking back tears. It felt like a knife was stabbing me repetitively to say that sentence but I promised Tess that I would take good care of him and this is how I'm doing it. Day encloses his hands between mine and shakes it.

   "Hi, I'm Daniel" He says

   "Hi" I reply "I'm June" he drops my hand, I wish he would hold it for a bit longer. 

     "I almost forgot I have to be at a friends house in" I cut him off pretty sure I know his answer.

     " three minutes, twenty-eight seconds" I guess.

     " How did you-? Tess?"

    "Yes I have dinner with Tess as well." Than I notice someone is missing. "weres Eden?" I ask.

   " Probally at Tess's. We should go." I nod my head in agreement, and we start walking towards our destination. 


     "I'm Surprised your late" Tess teases with a smirk plastered on her face.

     "Actually I still have twelve seconds" I say proudly.

     "Is June here?" I hear Posaco yell from the kitchen.

    "Yes I am so you better run" I tell him. I know Tess is rolling her eyes as I case Posaco around their main room. Once I finally catch him and tackle him and ask, "Where is it?" as nicely as I can.

    "What is it?" Tess asks.

   "One of my good tennis shoes" I reply Tess turns and ushers Day to the kitchen where I'm guessing Eden is than comes back in to deal with Poaco and I. 

     "Posaco give June her shoe back and June tackling is never the answer." Tess says to us like we're small children. We both apologize and go into the kitchen to help set the table.

This is my new and improved Legend fan fiction.  I am excited for this one and what i have planned for it! If you read my other ones comment if you think this is better or worse (Please be honest). Hope you enjoy the story!



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