fly away to neverland ( part one )

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In which Louis is Peter Pan at Disney World and Harry wants to go to Neverland.

Harry bends to his daughters height, and her green eyes stare back at him as she awaits him to speak, he can't help but smile at the sparkle.

"Darling, you remember that we're going to be on a plane for many hours, so promise me that you'll behave and play nice." Harry asks his daughter. She smiles and rolls her eyes, so much like her daddy.

"Daddy, I'm seven years old, of course I know how to behave. If I get hungry, I'll tell you, if I get lost, I'll stay in the same spot, and if I don't see you, ask an adult." She repeated the same things Harry as been making her repeat all morning.

"Good girl, I didn't even have to ask you what would happen if you got lost." He smiles and stands again as he reaches for her hand, she grips it tightly and eagerly pulls him across the airport.

"Disney World is going to be very crowded and busy, Angela, so make sure you don't run away from me." Harry could see her roll her eyes again.

He knew she already knew what to do if she got lost, and if she got hungry, or had to go to the bathroom, she just wanted to get there. He couldn't help but remind her, he worried.

As a dad, these traits were something he knew he couldn't help. When she was born, he freaked out, thinking he wouldn't be a good dad, or wouldn't be able to handle a child on his own.

When Sarah died, he knew he had to take care of her, he knew he had to treat her like she was a princess, but in Harry's eyes, she really was.

"Dad? Dad, the line is moving." He felt Angela's grip on his hand, pulling him forward while he got lost in thought, he gave her a small smile and walked forward with her, and in moments, they were at the front, handing the lady their tickets to board.

She seemed very bored, giving them a monotone reply and motioning towards the door. Harry smiled slightly and walked by her. At this point, Angela was jumping out of her skin in excitement, her backpack jumping with her.

Harry let her hand go so he could grab the luggage with both hands, and she flew forward, "TO NEVERLAND!" She yelled, bounding down the hallway.

Many hours later, they were entering Florida, and it was such an obvious difference, the heat was something Harry didn't understand how people got used to.

The plan was to check into the hotel tonight and sleep the jet lag off, and to spend the next week in Disney World. Harry knew Angela hated that they were so close, but couldn't go, but now that they were in Florida, and the exhaustion was easy to see in her eyes, he had nothing to worry about.

"Come on sweetie, we have to go eat first, then I promise you can go to sleep. We don't want to mess up your sleeping, do we?" Angela slowly shook her head and slipped from the bed.

"What if I'm not hungry?" She asked, taking Harry's hand as they walked down the hotel corridor, Harry smirked, "Try anyway."

Fortunately, they walked into the MacDonald's and she was suddenly very hungry. After ordering, paying, and sitting down, Harry was suddenly drawn to a boy sitting by himself in the booth just a few away from theirs.

His hair was like feathers, a pretty light brown that shaped his face. His body curved in a way that made Harry unable to train his eyes away from him, and he figured the boy felt a stare, and he looked up, staring straight back at Harry.

Harry flushed and looked back down, Angela raised her eyebrows, "Daddy, do you know him?" She asked, dipping her fries in the ketchup, Harry shook his head, "I don't think so, love. Why?"

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