toy guns

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  Harry's son brings a toy gun to school, and gets in trouble, forcing him to meet with his teacher. When Harry sees how hot his son's teacher is, well, he does a little bad on his own.


  Harry looked at his son disapprovingly as he kneeled in front of him.

  "Dad, it was a joke." Marcus explained for the tenth time since the ride over, Harry shook his head, "I want to hear nothing, thanks to the fact that you couldn't leave your water gun at home, I am here, missing work."

  Marcus looked down, "It was just to mess around with, how was I supposed to know it looked like a real gun?"

  Harry stood and sighed, turning to enter the classroom beside the bench Marcus occupy, "I'll be out soon, don't move. Think about your punishment."

  Harry entered the classroom without a look back, and rubbed him temples, ever since he became a father, it was like he was always massaging his achy bones.

  Don't take it the wrong way, Harry loved his son as if he were his own - and unfortunately, he wasn't.

  But he loved him none the less, and took him into his home when he needed a loving family.

  Harry looked up to the sound of a throat being cleared, and flushed lightly as he walked over to Marcus' teacher, Mr. Tomlinson.

  "Good evening Mr. Styles, glad you could join me on such short notice." Harry nearly broke at the knees, because jesus, Marcus never told him that his teacher looked like god himself created him special for Harry.

  "Oh, it wasn't a hastle at all, Mr. Tomlinson." Harry reassured him, making the man flash his teeth in a wide grin, bringing out the crinkles by his eyes Harry could have licked right then and there.

  "Call me Louis." His smile was so cute and Harry couldn't catch his breath. So he cleared his throat and shook the mans hand, shaking his head to clear his mind of the dirty thoughts.

  "Okay, Louis." Harry said, leaning back to sit on the desk behind him, "I know what Marcus did was wrong, and I feel terrible about it. I should check his bags before he leaves the house in the mornings."

  Louis chuckled, "Well, as long as he knows what he did wasn't.. right, and not to do it again, I'm sure we'll all be just fine.

  "Maybe, if his mother made him a homecooked meal for lunch on say.. Friday's, it would give him something to look forward to, as well as give him a taste of home." Louis smiled and walked around the desk and sat in his leather chair.

  Harry bit his lip as he shifted, slighty uncomfortable, on the desk, "Actually, Marcus is adopted. He knows he is. I had a partner.. but he left me.. he just wasn't ready for parenthood, I guess."

  Harry shrugged and looked towards the ground, Louis stood from the chair and came to sit in front of Harry, on his own desk, "I'm sorry to hear that. Marcus really is a great kid."

  Louis said this so low that Harry stood up straight to hopefully get closer to him and hear him, Louis stood as well, seeing Harry's change.

  "I know he is, and I know nothing like this will ever happen again." Harry smiled and began to walk slowly towards the door alongside Louis.

  Louis nodded and held out his hand to grip Harry's again, and Harry flushed as he noticed Louis' tighter grip on his hand, and when he didn't pull away, Harry looked up to meet his eyes, and maybe he was wrong, but he could have swore he saw Louis wink.

  Harry should feel bad, in fact, he should feel terrible, but he really didn't. After dropping Marcus off at his Aunt Gemma's home, he drove quicker than he should have to the school.

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