Chapter 17

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James: Well well well, what do we have here?
Amy: O my! James! How did you?
James: Your dad told me to follow you secretly & report to him on your activities, welll this is worth reporting... Kai right?
Kai: Wow! I'm even more popular than I thought *smirks
Amy: James, its not what you think...
James: Yeah right, seeing you two about to go intense isn't what I think... Amy do you think I'm a fool? I asked you out, only to be turned down because of this thing your dad won't even approve of?
Amy: My dad won't approve of you too so stop trying...
James: Maybe, but I'll make sure you two are not together even if its the last thing I...
        Kai speeds to James back & rips his head off...
Kai: What a pain in the ass...
Amy: *eyes widen Kai! You shouldn't have done that! Why did you...?
Kai: He was gonna tell your dad, I had to do something
Amy: Well you could have done something else instead of killing him!
Kai: Oh yeah? Like what?
Amy: Like I could have compelled him to forget!
Kai: Yeah & waste a whole day getting the vervain out of his system, what a good idea Amy!
Amy: We should have figured something else out not this! My dad would be expecting him home! What do I do!
Kai: Well... You could pretend none of this happened
Amy: *scoffs you are insane!
Kai: What?!
Amy: Yes Kai you're totally insane! If my dad knows about this he'll have your head! I could be in deep trouble! Oh God what is this!
Kai: Look Amy quit behaving like a child! I did the both of us a favour!
Amy: A favour? Really? Like you destroyed my life!
Kai: Wait! Is it this idiot that's causing this?
Amy: Everything Kai! Everything is causing it! This sociopath attitude is the cause! I mean you didn't have to kill him! He was just doing what my dad told him & was been jealous that's all!
Kai: What does my sociopath crap have to do with this?! You know what? I'm sick & tired if your stupid complaints about who I am! This is me Amy! This is the guy you are in love with, (yells) I don't give a crap about anyone!  I don't care about the little girl who lost her mom that we spent hours looking for only to find out she wasn't lost! I don't even know how I'm in this relationship! I'm not the love-care type! I'm a boy who doesn't give a rat ass about anybody!
Amy: Wow Kai! I guess I'm the one that's pulling you into this, (walks closer to Kai & looks into his eyes) you can go back to Mystic Falls & rot there for all I care!
      (Amy leaves)
Kai: Amy! Amy! Amy!

I got home with so much rage & ran to my room, I promised myself not to cry but I was filled with so much hurt, I took off my clothes and got into the bathtub thinking about what Kai said & held my tears... I got out, wore my pyjamas & brought out my assignment to do with my laptop in front of me... Then Kai called... I didn't pick thrice but he kept on calling & I kept on cutting the call, I wasn't in the mood for drama, it went on but then aunt Bekah called me for dinner, I put my phone in silent & tucked it under my pillow then
I went to the dining with my whole family for dinner food was going on well until...
    (Kevin walked in)
Kevin: Sir, James isn't back yet.    (Amy chokes quietly on her food)
Klaus: Where on earth is that boy!
Kol: Chill Klaus, maybe he went for a quick lunch...
Elijah: He was supposed to be back since
Rebekah: He probably is tired of reporting to you on Amy
Klaus: Amy, have you seen James today?
Amy: James? No I haven't
Elijah: May I know why your heart is racing?
Amy: What?! My heart? (Puts a hand across her chest) It isn't 
Klaus: Anyways Kevin when you see James tell him to report to me immediately
Kevin: Yes sir...
Amy: Emmm... I'm going to bed...
Rebekah: Finish your dinner first
Amy: No I think I'm good... Goodnight
Klaus: Goodnight love...
Amy: Goodnight dad
    I ran upstairs to my room, cleared my bed, prepared to sleep but took out my phone & saw 10 missed calls, Seven missed calls from Kai & three from Davina... I ignored Kai's call & called Davina instead...
Amy: Hey I saw your missed call what's up?
Davina: I haven't seen you today that's all... Getting your phone back is fantastic! I mean no more late updates
Amy: Yeah you are right & its better you know this, Kai & I are on the edge of breaking up
Davina: What?!
Amy: I'm expecting more of Yaaaay! from you not what. I thought you'll be happy
Davina: I dunno what I am now
Amy: Well that's just the latest update
Davina: What happened?
Amy: Lets just say that Kai said some very mean things that I don't wanna talk about
Davina: OK no pressure but are you alright?
Amy: I am, let's just leave it at that, See you in school tomorrow
    Amy hangs up & goes to bed...

         Next Day:
Amy gets ready for school & goes downstairs, she is seen eating an apple...then Rebekah walks in...
Amy: Good morning aunt
Rebekah: Hey Amie how was your night?
Amy: Normal
Rebekah: Ehm Amy?
Amy: Yeah?
Rebekah: If you have anything, I mean anything on your mind you know you can tell me right? I mean you can talk to me, I'm always here if you have anything to say
Amy: Yeah I know. I have to go...
  (Amy walks out)
    Amy walk on her way to school but Kai follows her at her back
Kai: Someone isn't picking her calls
Amy: Go away
Kai: Wow! How harsh! (Amy ignores him) C'mon I'm talking to someone here
Amy: (turns to Kai) You know what? All I see is a coward who hides under the skin of this "sociopath" & takes his anger & rage on people so just get lost & out of my life! (Amy walks away)

   At School...
Davina runs to Amy...
Davina: Hey cutie
Amy: Hey
Davina: Did you do the biology assignment about genetics?
Amy: I did, plus a huge research on it so I'm ready for any surprise question Mrs. Darbus might throw to me...
Davina: I just did what I could do I hate that particular topic
Amy: *laughs I know...


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