Chapter 16

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Next morning hurt like hell. I woke up with a headache, took a quick shower, dressed without makeup and left home without breakfast. I got to school & went to my locker to check what I had today, I knew it was literature but I wanted to be sure.... Then Davina came running to me.
Davina: Hey, I called you two days ago why didn't you pick? & why're you here all of a sudden? Wasn't it a month?
Amy: (putting her books in the locker) My dad found out
Davina: What?! How?
Amy: I told him
Davina: & why would you do that?(Amy was ignoring her) Hey talk to me!
Amy: Look, we have class
Davina: Well let's skip it! Tell me what happened!
Amy: Fine let's go
    (Amy and Davina went to sit on a bench under a tree then Amy narrated everything to Davina)
Davina: Wow! That witch's a bitch
Amy: Major one
Davina: *sighs so what do you want to do?
Amy: I dunno I guess behave normal?
Davina: What about Kai?
Amy: (eyes watery) Kai is in Mystic Falls (fakes smile) Alive & well...
Davina: It's OK don't cry...
Amy: I just don't get it Dav, I mean my dad should just let this go right? Kai is one of the best thing that has happened to me & my dad just wants me to let go?
Davina: What about your mom? What is she saying?
Amy: I dunno if she even knows & even if she does what can she do? Come pat my back? Its useless...
Davina: This is a tough one, I know...
Amy: At least you are here, you matter to me..
Davina: (pulls Amy for a hug) I'll always be here for you
Amy: I know...
    Amy & Davina attend their remaining classes & are heading home but someone pulls Amy's backpack & puts his arms round her...
Amy: (eyes widen) Kai!
Kai: Hey babe! Miss me? (Kai wants to pull Amy for a kiss but is stopped by Davina)
Davina: Stop! Amy your dad has his men round this town let's go elsewhere
Amy: Oh yeah
  (Davina takes Kai & Amy to her house)
Kai: Now baby (kisses Amy deeply)
Davina: Oh I'm gonna puke (put her hand over her mouth)
Amy: So what's happening?
Kai: What's happening is I'm in New Orleans because of a special girl
Davina: You guys should cut it out! Amy, your dad runs this city if any of his spies sees you all lovey-dovey on him you could be in serious trouble...
Amy: I know but he's here & we can figure something out OK?
Davina: You need to go home now, school ended an hour ago...
Amy: Oh yeah...
Kai: Wait so now you're grounded? Did I get it?
Amy: Yeah something like that...
Davina: No! That's exactly how it is, she's got no phone no laptop can't go out & can't spend quality time with her bestie! Her social life is over!
Kai: Wow! I never thought it was that bad...
Davina: Yeah it is & you need to leave this town now! If her dad knows you're here, he's gonna kill you & trust me that ain't no threat...
Kai: Well maybe its time I finally met him, I can request a duel
Davina: God Amy you fell in love with a psycho!
Amy: Look, I was the one who asked Kai to come, we are gonna plan something out & no duel Kai! Its a dead end...
Davina: So where is he going to stay?
Amy: Figure it out... I love you bestie (Amy walks out the door)
Davina: What?! Wait no! Amy!
Kai: Guess its the two of us...
Davina: Just get lost!

   I got home excited I mean Kai just pops up in New Orleans... This is great just when will my punishment be over?

2 weeks later:
Amy: Uncle Elijah I'm no more with Kai, we broke up that day I told dad so please gimme my phone. Pweeeez double pweeeez...
Elijah: OK fine, here you go, but be careful, I don't want a repeat of last time OK?
Amy: Yeah sure I understand. So... Uncle Elijah does that mean I can go out now...
Elijah: Yes, you are permitted
Amy: Yaaaay!
    I texted Kai & told him to meet somewhere but called Davina & told her of my punishment that has ended...

     An hour later: Amy & Kai meet in a secret place...
Kai: Hey baby
Amy: Hi
Kai: (pulls Amy for a deep kiss)
Amy: Hope you liking New Orleans?
Kai: Still trying to get used to the fact that your family runs the town
Amy: Oh! That, well anyways any call from Bonnie or the Salvatore brothers on how to break the spell?
Kai: Let's not talk about them, let's talk about us (starts kissing Amy deeply & roughly then goes on to caress & press her sensitive parts roughly...)
Amy: *moans seriously Kai we have to do it here?
       Suddenly a guy walks while talking...

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