Chapter 10

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               All you Kai parker/Chris wood lovers Kai will soon be introduced into the book...

~~~~~~~~~Alaric & Jo's wedding day~~~~~~~~~

I sat in my room all day going through my grandma's grimiore for anything that looked like an ancendant. I called Davina too & she's checking her grimorie. I dozed off and woke to check the time on my phone... 7:23pm wow today's gone & I couldn't find out anything on the ancendant... This is frustrating!!! I got a call from an unknown number 16 minutes later...
Amy: Hello?
Matt: *Nervous Hello is this Amy?
Amy: Yeah who's asking
Matt: This is Matt Amy... Look Amy I don't have time but Kai is back
Amy: What?! Where?
Matt: I'll send the address to you now, you have to come fast something is happening please
Amy: OK just send the address
~~~~~Matt sends the address almost immediately~~~~~~
I sneaked out of the house, entered one of the cars & drove fast to the address Matt sent... Kai is back? How? What is happening? Was all I could think of....
I got to the venue & it looked like a wedding was crashed. I sneaked to the back and got in just the time I see Kai stabbing his neck with a piece of glass

Amy: *shouts Kai! No!
Kai: *weak  Amy? & drops dead
   Amy quickly rushes to Kai's side who was already soaked with blood
Amy: *sobs... Kai no please why, why... I love you... I really do pls don't die...
~~~~~~Alaric already holding his dead pregnant wife and crying stops to look at Amy with disgust & shock~~~~~~~~
Amy's phone rings & sees its her dad which she doesn't answer but it continues ringing & she picks it up
Amy: *sniffles Hey dad
Klaus: Amy Mikaelson where are you!
Amy: I'm already heading home
Klaus: Come home now! (& he hungs up)
~~~~~Amy takes one good look at Kai & couldn't keep her tears anymore then she walks away~~~~
   Amy got to her car drove for some distance, stopped & started crying again this time it was more intense. She cried & cried until her eyes were blur she then looked at her phone & saw 3 missed calls from her dad & uncle Kol so she wiped her tears, started the engine & headed home. When she got to the front of her door, she took a deep breath & walked inside only to see a death stare from her dad, a worried look from Uncle Elijah & Aunt Bekah & a smile from Kol...
Klaus: Amy Mikaelson where were you!?
Amy: I wanted to take a drive out
Klaus: In the middle of the night?!
Rebekah:(walks up to Amy & put a finger on her cheek) Wait, why are your cheeks damp? Have you been crying?
Amy:(pushes Rebekah's finger off her cheeks) No...
Klaus: (seems concerned) what happened?
Amy:( going to her room) Nothing I'm fine!

I got to my room, closed the door, slid down the door & put a hand over my mouth to stop the sound of my tears from been heard. I rushed to the bathroom, turned the water on & cried. I cried so hard that I couldn't breath at a point... Why? Why did he kill himself it doesn't just make sense... This is painful. I went to my bed & could hardly sleep & when I slept I was dreaming of the same thing that happened Kai stabbing himself & me not being able to stop it... The next morning I wanted to take a stroll out to clear my mind. I got out & started walking thinking about Kai then someone tapped my back, I looked back & I was shocked to see...

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