Interview 5

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Welcome to a chat with shiningstary 2! Put your hands together for our guest Laura. Welcome to the show.

Name Laura

How many years have you enjoyed earth Eighteen and counting :)

When did angel dropped you on earth september 25 1994

country Netherlands :)

are you in school? Currently studying at uni to be a media manager/producer :)

If you are in school what do you want to do in future I want to be a media producer :)

What is your special quality I think I’m very easy to talk with :)

how did you find watt pad I was searching for an app to read books with

when did you join watt pad 20-10-2012

what are your hobbies Hanging out with friends, playing the guitar, writing and most of all TALKING I love talking.

if you could travel in a time machine, what would you do I kind of like how it is now, but I think I would try to get people to stop polluting the earth so much and cut less trees or something.

what is your favorite book? Anything written by John Green

if you were a superhero what power would you have The power to create new machines

what is your favorite movie? Wreck it Ralph is the last movie that I really like

whats your own best book so far? I like my book Alone the most but if I would count votes / reads it must be simply amazing or I owe you.

what character in your book do you see yourself I base my characters on people I know :) but I don’t have one based on myself (yet)

what is your favorite quote “always wear your invisible crown” and “If you go home with someone and they don’t have books don’t **** them. - John Waters”

special person in life? Sometimes. (I could put my facbeook status to “it’s complicated” but I’m just too lasy)

if god is sitting in front of you and you can ask him 3 questions, what would they be? I would ask if He could give my friend one more day with his father.

do you have any pets? I have a dog that I adore, I live on my own now but I always go back home to see her. Her name is Daisy and she’s almost 15 years old.

if you could be god for one day what would you do? Give my friends another day with who ever they miss in their lives and I would make sure that the earth is less polluted. (Take away all the radioactive waste and stuff)

favorite actor and actress? I don’t really have one. :)

favorite song? At the moment I don’t have a favorite song, favorite album right now is First Step by CN Blue.

favorite watt pad book and their author's name Protecting mr wimp by summerzcool :)

best friend I have five besties and the one who is the most active on wattpad is rilectt :) check her out!

what are you most thankful for? I am thankful for where I am now and I hope to continue live healthy :)

Thanks for joining with us Laura. I hope everyone enjoyed. 

Thank you readers for reading. Hope you have a marvelous day. Stay tuned to A chat with shiningstary 2 :)

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