Interview 10

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Welcome to A chat with shiningstary 2. Please put your hands together for Vasu who is a very nice book cover artist. 

Name- Vasu

 How many years have you enjoyed Earth?-15

Country- India

School?? Which grade?- 10th grade

Aim of life- I wanna be a graphics designer or anything in multimedia or advertisments

How did you find wattpad? -thats embarassing, i was actually looking for fan fictions to read and found some on wattpad

When did you join wattpad?-almost a year ago

 What are your hobbies?-making stuff, writing, singing

If you could travel in time machine, what would you do?-i'd go back and get a good grade on all my exams.

What is your favourite book? (published book)-a walk to remember

If you were superhero, what power would you have?-i'd have telekinetic powers, kind of like jean grey from Xmen

What is your favourite movie?-letters to juliet or when in rome or avengers

What character in your book/in any movie/in any other persons book, do you see yourself?i don't think i identify with any character because im really wierd

What is your favourite quote?-"thats for me to know, and you to find out"

Special person in life?- just my mom. No romance here.

If god is sitting in front of you and you can ask him 3 questions, what they would be?-

1. am i dead?

2. Are you real?

3.why am i talentless?

Have any pet?-sadly, my mother won't let me get a pet.

If you could be god for one day what would you do?-probably volunteer somewhere. an orphanage maybe?

Favourite actor and actress?-iam somerhalder lucey hale

Favourite song?-i cannot pick just one song, i have like a billion favorites.

Favourite wattpad book and their author’s name-bad boy, cupid and me by slim_shady

Most memorable moment-when my fanfiction got 50,000 reads

Best friend-@aloodas98

What are you most thankful for?-the internet

Thank you for joining us Vasu. It was sweet. I hope readers enjoyed it. Stay tuned to A chat with shiningstary 2

A chat with shiningstary 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora