Interview 1

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Welcome to A chat with shiningstary 2.  

Let us welcome the first guest of this season Ramiza known as muggleweasley. *CLAPS*

Name- Ramiza

Age- 20

Date of birth- 21st June 1992

Country- Malaysia

Are you in school (which grade)? Or doing job?- I'm currently in my 2nd year of med school

If you are in school, what do you want to do in future? Looks like I'll end up being a doctor. But hopefully I'll get to write books on the side :)

What is your special quality? Well... I am quite observant.

How did you find wattpad? My cousin, efaridah, was constantly advertising her stories on Wattpad through Facebook. One thing led to another and now here I am.

When did you join wattpad? 13 November 2012

What are your hobbies?- I like to read... I also enjoy watching loads of TV!

If you could travel in time machine, what would you do? This depends... are you talking about the TARDIS? or some lame time machine?

What is your favourite book? (published book) Definitely 'Harry Potter'

If you were superhero, what power would you have? The ability to be invisible!

What is your favourite movie? Harry Potter for sure... Once a Potterhead, always a Potterhead.

Whats your own best book so far?(optional) I don't really think that I have one... considering that I've just started and that I've only got two...

What character in your book/in any movie/in any other persons book, do you see yourself? Em... I think that I can identify myself with the Doctor's companions. Because they were practically 'nobodies' (as in actual nobodies, like every day human beings who think that their life sucks) with great potential and all they needed was that little push, and that 'push' is the Doctor.

What is your favourite quote? "So… all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will – where do you want to start?”

Special person in life? Definition of special person?

If god is sitting in front of you and you can ask him 3 questions, what they would be? Why is God sitting in front of me?

Do you have any pet? What’s there name? Unfortunately no. My dad's allergic.

If you could be god for one day what would you do? Now why would I want to be God?

Favourite actor and actress? Benedict Cumberbatch and Emma Watson

Favourite song? Love Is Easy by Mcfly.

Most memorable moment The day I discovered tumblr. Nah, just kidding! I don't think that I've got any. Because every moment of life is equally important.

Best friend My mom

What are you most thankful for? Life.

Thank you Ramiza. *CLAPS*. I hope readers enjoyed this. 

Thank you all for reading. Stay tuned for some new interviews with some interesting persons. Have a marvelous day :)

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