Chapter Eleven: Decisions, Decisions

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Emily's POV

Of course, the movie was a love story. It seems that's the only thing people can write these days. Connor and I sit on the side in the middle since Riley and Izzy took our planned seats.  

"You know, I never read this book," Connor tells me before the previews start.  

"Me neither. I tried before, but it was a slow beginning," I say.  

"The Hunger Games had a slow beginning," he points out.  

"Yeah, but it still had something that kept me reading," I say. The lights dim, and the previews start. Connor, being the cheesy guy that he is, pulls the yawn and stretch. I put my head on his shoulder, and he starts dry spitting.  

"Hair in your mouth?" I ask. He nods. "I hate the humidity. Makes my hair insanely curly. Hard to tame."  

"I like it. Just not in my mouth. It does frame your face well," he says.  

We never saw the beginning of the movie. Some lady complained about is, and they asked us politely to leave, so we did. We're not going to be those people that argue. I don't like those people. They make problems worse than they need to be.  

"Where do we go now?" Connor asks.  

"How about the park? It's still light out, and I saw Riley with the car keys," I say, taking my own keys out and jiggling them around. He smiles, and we pile into my truck.

Izzy McDonough: Where the hell are you two?

Me: Connor and I went to the park. Riley has the keys to their car, so you two have done time to yourselves. Have fun ;)  

"Is she threatening you again?" Connor asks. I shake my head as we walk around.  

"She's just wondering where the hell we are," I say.  

We walk past a saxophone player, and Connor and I both tip him. I'm about to continue walking when Connor grabs my hand. I turn around, and he's smiling at me, the blue eyes that I love looking at me.  

"Emily, would you like to dance?" he asks.  

"I would love to," I say, and Connor holds our hands out to the side. He puts his other hand on the small of my back, and I put my other hand on his shoulder. We waltz in little circles, talking.  

"So when are you guys leaving?" I ask. He raises an eyebrow.  

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" he asks. I laugh.  

"No! I just need to know so that I can prep for the sadness because you won't be here," I say. He frowns.  

"Why would you be sad?" he asks. I shrug.  

"You and I have gotten pretty close over these two weeks, and when I finally get to see you again, it's only for a couple of days, and then you're off again. I sound clingy, but it's just hard to be away from friends," I say.  

"I know what you mean. It was killing me that you and I couldn't just hang out and watch movies or go out to the movies or bowling. The only thing that we could do was skype, text, and call. Even though I only hugged you a couple of times, I missed hugging you," he says.  

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