Chapter Two: Silent Went The Crowd

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Izzy's POV

Emily and I stood in line, not saying anything. We both were obviously thinking about what had just happened. From the looks of it, it looked as if her and Connor had hit it off pretty well. Meanwhile, I was thinking of how much of an idiot I made in front of myself. I had become that awkward-white-girl that guys found freaky. I tried my best not to, but I just couldn't help it. It came naturally to me. 

I stood in line thinking of how much of an idiot I was.

"Then who was?" Riley asked after I denied the fact that I screamed his name.

"It was my alter ego Latasha, yeah she's cray." I awkwardly smiled.

"You have an alter ego?" He raised one eyebrow.

"I have multiple." I said matter of factually.

"Let me guess, one is a princess." He looked me up and down.

"How did you know?" I gasped.

"Well you have a long blue dress on, and a Tiara." He looked me up and down.

"Damn it. My secrets out." I swung my hands up violently in the air, I was being over dramatic.

"What secret?" Riley was obviously confused, by my white girl ways.

"That I'm a princess." I whispered, so nobody would hear.

"You're really weird." He walked away.

"I CAN BE YOUR PRINCESS!" I hollered after him.      

"So how did it go with Riley?" Emily snapped me out of my horrible flashback.

"Oh, that boy is in love with me." I lied. I wouldn't lie about this though, I was totally jealous of Emily and Connor. They really hit it off. 

Emily's P.O.V.

I may have finally met Izzy in person this week, but I know that she's lying. I don't say anything because I don't want her to get angry at me.

I don't do well with yelling. When people yell at me, I want to cry, so I can't really get her angry.

We finally start moving into the venue, and Izzy's hand clasps onto my arm, her nails digging into my skin.

"Izzy! Keep your cool!" I shout.

"Sorry," she says, and she lets go. I look down at my Mickey Mouse graphic tee, black skinny jeans, and Chuck Taylors. I then look at Izzy in her blue dress and tiara. I look around and notice that a lot of girls are wearing skirts and shorts, due to the weather.

"Izzy," I say as the security guard puts a black "X" on my hand for "No Alcohol". 

"What's up?" she asks when we walk towards the stage.

"Is it weird that I wore jeans and a t-shirt? Everybody else is wearing something cute, and then there's me. I feel out of-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Emily, Connor said that he wants to meet you after the show. Don't worry about what others are wearing. He saw them outside, and he talked to you," she says as she takes my wrist and pulls me to the front of the stage. I fix the beanie that's on my head and stand in front of a microphone stand. I don't know who's it is, but I'm guessing that it's Connor's. I start to move away, but the lights dim, and five, very handsome guys run out on stage, smiling.

Izzy’s POV

“I’m not ready for this!” I scream as the lights are now dimmed, and everyone is silent. This was the moment everyone had come to see.

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