Chapter 7

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Punish me?
My mind was on whips and chains, and things found in torture chambers.

I was scared, Dominic was the most powerful Alpha in the world and he had told - no promised me, that he would punish me.

My wolf had given me control back but I didnt know if I wanted it, she wasn't scared - actually she was excited.

Though I was frightened, I hadnt stopped looking at him since he spoke. I thought it almost cruel how fate had matched us together, his beauty was captivating and his strength palpable. How could I stand by his side for the rest of my life? Living in the shadow of him. I wondered if he somehow known that we were true mates when he saw me at the mating ceremony. It was the only explanation I could muster. I was plain looking, and anyone could see that I wasn't a person who was strong. So why me? Though my wolf had been brave in her act to get Dominic's attention, I could sense she felt the same as I did

I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt another presence in my mind. I didn't know what it was but it seemed to be calling out to my wolf. My wolf was humming in pleasure and in confidence, it was then I realized that it was Dominic's wolf. He must have been saying something to my wolf. Had his wolf felt my wolfs insecurities? Had Dominic felt mine?

I didn't know because his facial expression had stayed the same since the last time he spoke, and he hadnt looked at me since. Though I noticed he was gripping the steering wheel with a tight grip.

I couldn't fully understand what was been said between my wolf and Dominics but the effects were flowing on to me. I could feel myself feeling heated and achy.

I was getting turned on! Actually my wolf was but it made no difference. The sensations she felt, I would feel too.

I tried to get my wolf's attention and try to think of anything else. I looked out the window to see where we were when my body was jerked forward. Before I knew it, hands were grabbing me and I was looking into Dominic's black eyes.

I barely noticed the shut of the doors and the absence of everyone.

His wolf was in control, he was anger and from the position I was in I could tell he was also turned on.

In a low voice, almost a growl he spoke slowly as if to make sure I understood.

"You are perfect, perfect and almost mine"

Before I could reply, or even think of a reply a sharp pain of was in my neck. The pain was intense and throbbing.
The thing I remember was hearing,

"And now you are mine"

Picture above is Scarlett

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