three- oliver

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. There are many reasons why I haven't, but I want to forget those and focus on giving you guys a few updates. I love you all, thank you for the support you give me! And remember, I am always here if any of you need someone!


"How do I know when I've found my mate?" I asked daddy.

Daddy froze and his eyes went wide. "What?"

"You heard it, daddy, don't pretend!" I whined. I turned to face Andre and saw him stiffen in his seat. What is going on?

"Oliver, I don't know if this is something that we should discuss in front of everyone at the table. Why don't you wait till later when we can be secluded?" Daddy said, a frown upon his face. It was almost like he was pleading me not to continue this conversation.

"Okay, " I whispered and resumed nibbling on my food.

There was a long pause before the talking got started up again, but I stayed out of it. I couldn't really focus with all of the thoughts that were running through my mind.

I have always wanted a mate so bad. I've never actually realized how badly I wanted one until just recently, after watching my parents and other pack members with mates love on each other all of the time.

It all seemed so surreal. Just knowing that there was someone out there for you who would love you forever, no matter what, was enough to making me start tearing up. I really don't have many friends honestly, just Andre.

I love Andre. I don't know in what form yet, but I know that my life would be so sad without him.

What if he was my mate?

What if I got to spend the rest of my life with the most perfect being that I'd ever met?

That would be amazing.

Andre is always so sweet and loving towards me, no matter how clingy I get towards him. He actually seems to enjoy my clinginess more.

He's just so perfect.

"Ollie! Earth to Ollie! " I head someone yell as I snapped out of my daydream.

I looked at Andre who looked concerned.

"What?" I asked, cowering away from the 20 pairs of eyes that were set on me.

"We asked if you would mind if Andre stayed with you for the night while we went away for business. "

I blushed, remembering how I'd been thinking just seconds ago. "No, I wouldn't mind," I said with a small smile.

Meanwhile I was actually jumping on the table in my mind. An entire night of cuddling with my dream man sounds so amazing!

"Okay, baby boy, we'll have to leave soon. We don't need to be late for the meeting," Daddy said and kissed my forehead before heading upstairs.

"Be good, honey. Don't cause too much trouble around here," Mommy said and hugged me tightly.

After that everyone cleared out of the dining hall. I went up to my room to grab some stuff to sleep over at Andre's.

"Ollie, can I come in?" Andre said, knocking gently on my door.

"Sure!" I said a little too excitedly and swung the door open. As soon it was fully opened, Andre stepped inside and sat on my bed.

"Are you about ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yes, I just have to put my sweater in here. " I said, placing the sweater on top of the other items that I'd packed in the bag.

"Mhm, and where did you get that sweater?" Andre asked with a teasing smile.

"Oh, well I think-" I began but then paused as realization hit me and my face heated up. " I got it from your closet."

He let out a laugh and reassured me that it was fine and kinda "cute" that I took his sweater.

"Ready to go now?" He asked about 20 minutes later.

"Yeah, let's go!" I said with a giddy smile.


I was in heaven as soon as I walked into Andre's room.

It smelt so so good, just like him! I really just wanted to bury myself into his bed and never leave.

"Ollie, are you done sniffing my room?"

I felt my cheeks heat up and immediately stopped and looked at him. "I wasn't sniffing.."

"Yes, sweetie, you were. "

I rolled my eyes and jumped on his bed, climbing under the covers in the process. "Omg, your bed is so comfy and smells just like you!"

Andre smiled and moved to his drawer to pull out some clothes. "Thanks."

"I'm gonna go hop in the shower, just open the door if you need me. "

I nodded to him and looked around the room.

Back to what I was thinking... a mate? Andre as my mate? How amazing that would be..

I could sleep in here everyday with him and smell his yummy room. And I could snuggle with him all the time and as much as I want without having to fear what people will think.

Maybe he is my mate. I mean, I've heard James talk about what the mating pull feels like before. He's says whenever you aren't near your mate you itch a lot and are constantly on edge, but whenever you're near, you feel calmer and happier than you do around any other.

That is how I feel about Andre, but how do I know if that's how he feels around me?

I was too caught up in my thoughts to realize that Andre had already stepped out of his bathroom dressed in only his white Calvin Klein underwear. My mouth watered instantly at the sight.

How can someone be so hot!

He snapped me from my thoughts by yelling my name a couple of times.

"Ollie, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about my mate and how I'll feel when I find them. "

Andre looked down as soon as I said these words, and I immediately felt like he was hiding something.

"A, what do you know about the mating pull? How will I know if I have found my mate?" I whined.

"Well," Andre said and took a deep breath. " When you find your mate, you will feel an overwhelming sense of adoration towards the person. You will think that they are the most perfect person that you've ever met. You will have the urge to be close to them at all times and when you're not, you will feel distraught. "

"Oh," I said. Thinking on it.. a lot of those things Andre described happens to me around him.

Andre leaned closer to me as he looked into my eyes.

"You are so gorgeous, Ollie. I don't know what I'd do without you," He smiled without breaking eye contact yet moving even closer.

As of right now we were only a couple of inches apart.

"I feel the same way about you, A!" I exclaimed. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything. " Andre immediately said without an ounce of hesitance.

"Are you my mate?"


Thank you all for reading. Feel free to vote, comment, or follow me if you enjoyed it! <3

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