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you see, Luke had given Emi certain instructions. She was to go back to earth in human form and guide a girl named Janis Smith. But not in angel form, specifically human. She was supposed to befriend her in teach her good ways, but to also love the teenage years she missed.

Calum wasn't sent down to anyone specific but he had his eye on a boy who he figured he could mess with. His name was Robert Donavon.  As a plus he could shape shift into a normal human, and just live the years he missed.

That's what the two really wanted, their lives back. They missed out on making a family and getting married and just being young and carefree.

It was a small town, called Patoka, and they both were excited. They could relive their life's. Be young once more.

Thy didn't know that they were going to end up together, but that's what always happens. Calum and Emi had always been drawn to each other, whether alive or dead, they were always together. It was weird, always seeing eachother everywhere, but they could tell of this connection, but refused to accept it.

But it was the 90's, where everything was punk rock. It was a decade perfect for Calum, he lived for things like that. Emi liked the 50's more, but you get what you get.

Their appearance didn't change, Emi was still beautiful as ever, with her black hair, tan skin, and pink lips. She didn't age, neither did Cal. But his looks changed, his hair now had a blonde streak in the front.

And the two didn't know about each others whereabouts until they ran into eachother.

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