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Beatris Smith, was a lovely girl. Living in small town Patoka, Washington. She was only sixteen, a sophomore in highschool. She always desired love, always. And Ashton Irwin gave it to her, made her feel wanted and loved. But Ashton had the no good image of him. Leather jackets, tattoos and no good aura. But he was indeed a sweetheart, hanging with right crowd and good grades, but the way he looked have off differently.

And Ashton had even asked Beatris to be his girlfriend. She had said yes and free the date she went straight home to tell her family.

"He's no good for you Bea" said her mother. "That boy is a bad influence." Her family didn't know Ashton the way she did, he was kind, smart, funny, and charming. And madly in love with Bea.

"What if I have him over for dinner?" She suggested, so her parents can meet him. This was bound to work, they would meet him, realize he was a great guy and then they would condone the relationship.

"Honey, sit down. Your father and I have got a story to tell..."

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