Chapter Three | Into the shadows

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*Stiles POV*

"I can't take it anymore!" I groaned throwing myself on the couch. It's been weeks and we still haven't gotten any answers. All I've done is sitting in my room and waiting, I can barely focus on school!

"I get it Stiles but Derek said it would take a while.." Scott looked down on the floor and even though he wanted to believe what he just said, you could tell that it wasn't working.

"Ha!" Scott looked up confused.

"Because getting a blood sample surely does take 5 weeks!" My eyes almost rolled to China! I don't want to just sit here and do nothing, I mean this is like really serious and I want answers NOW! I sighed deeply and decided to get up and actually do something about this.

"Where you goin'?" Scott asked with a curious look.

"Well I'm actually going to figure this out, thank you very much!" I started walking towards the bedroom door.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" Scott raised an eyebrow and even though I couldn't see it I could surely feel it.

"Umm, well you see it's.. I um.. IT'S A SECRET!" I screamed the last part even though I didn't mean to, heh oops.

"Okayy? Come on Stiles, cut the crap. Please?"

"Uh, FINE." I said with a pout, crossing my arms. What am I gonna do? This whole thing is weird. Yeah it's really FUCKED UP! I can't stop thinking about the sheets and the blood and that feeling of terror going through my body that day... No, I don't want to think about it. And yet there it is in the back of my mind always scratching.

"Ehm, you know you have been groaning for like a whole minute now?" Scott looked at me with a face I can't describe. I wasn't sure if he was worried or if he was gonna burst out laughing.

"What? No." My face expression made him go for the laughing. He laughed so hard he fell straight to the floor like a cat in human clothes.

"It's not funny Scott!! I'm serious, why you acting like everything is fine? Like nothing ever happened?" Avoiding Scott's eyes I could sense how stiff he became. He didn't say anything for at least 2 minutes. Okay this getting awkward.

"I'm going to work now!" The door flies open with my dad standing there fixing his shirt.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?!" If looks could kill, my dad would've been dead the second he burst in to MY room.

"Huh?" Now that calls for a real facepalm. I groaned while closing the door on him and all he said was a happy goodbye. What, he didn't see how irritated I was? God kill me now.

I turned to Scott looking pretty god damn mad. He flinched and even though that made me laugh inside I wasn't laughing on the outside.

"What? Did I do something?" He actually got nervous because of me, hah, now that's weird.

"Do you have something to say?" I don't think my eyebrows can go any higher up than this.

"Um, I'm sorry?" He said like it was a question. So stupid.

"No you idiot! Don't you get how serious this is?" Walking to the window I felt a huge lump in my throat. It seems like Scott isn't affected by this but I am. I don't show it at most times but it really tears me inside. I don't think anyone would feel different from me if they found blood in their bed.

"Yeah I do but.."

"NO YOU DON'T! I'm drowning here!" I cut him off.

"Look.. I know this is bad, but nothing else has happened these last couple of weeks and that's a good thing. It's still serious I know but everything is going to be fine trust me. You're going to be okay." He put his hand on my shoulder hoping I'll calm down.

"It's not fine and I'm not okay."

The leaves were changing colors and we've come to the point where it's really cold in the morning so you put a sweater on but then in the middle of the day you feel like you're gonna die of heat stroke. Still looking out the window I thought about everything. And why the hell Derek hasn't been answering his phone?! I don't trust him, I don't. But he said he was going to help me. Scott thinks he's busy trying to get answers but I don't really think so.. 

"What do you want me to do?" Scott asked sincerely. I kind of feel guilty. This is not his fault and I shouldn't put so much pressure on him. He's done everything he can. There's not much more he can do.

"You've already done everything you can Scott, but thank you for asking." He nodded and I finally decide to relax for a bit.

"How about we order some pizza and watch a movie?" I smiled to Scott to let him know that I'm calm.

"Don't you eat anything else but pizza?" He said chuckling. I was not expecting that answer but it's true. Pizza is my favorite and that will never change! Just think about all the juicy pepperoni and the cheese melting together in perfect sync as you taste the delicious..

"Um hello?" I snap out of it, with Scott waving in my face.
"Oh welcome back to earth E.T hope you phoned home."

"Sorry.. I can't help it, I think I have pizza addiction.."

"You think?" Scott replied with a smart face expression.

"Wow, you are sooo funny!" I said sarcastically.

Scott stuck out his tongue and smirked back in victory.


After dinner Scott went home. I didn't like the fact that I was all alone now, but why I felt like that I have no idea cause' I wanted to be alone. I wanted to breath and think for myself and I couldn't do that if Scott was around, so why am I feeling like this right now? I needed to get these thoughts out of my head, so I went for a walk.

It was really foggy outside, you could barely see. Hmm, creepy. I don't even know where I'm headed I'm just walking. It's really quiet tonight, you can hear cars sometimes driving in the area. God it's getting cold outside. Lucky me for putting on a beanie before I went out. 

Man, what am I gonna do? Can somebody please just come and tell me that this is all a dream. Why is it always so much shit happening in this town? So much shit happening to us? Like can we get a break sometime?! Who am I kidding if that ever happens, then I'm probably dead. Now that I think about, it actually sounds kinda nice.

After walking for a good 30 minutes I suddenly get this feeling that I'm being watched. At first I ignore it, it's probably just my mind playing games with me. I mean it is foggy and pretty spooky looking tonight so that must be it, tricking my brain right?.. Yeah that's probably it. Well I think it's time for me to head home. Just to mix things up a bit I take a different way home.

After a few minutes the feeling is back in my stomach, okay someone is following me. I have two options, hide and wait for the person to show up and go kick ass or, run like I just punched a bear in the pee pee. Yeah, I think I'll go for that one. While I'm running I look around and I realize I don't recognize  this area. Where the hell am I? The fog is really thick now. How am I supposed to get home? I don't know if I wanna turn around.. There's a chance that nothing's even chasing me but if it there is, I don't wanna find out. My chest was starting to ache and my lungs felt like fire. And the fact that I'm not so fit, I know my legs are gonna give in at any moment. No.. you can do this! I tried convincing myself, thinking repeatedly 'you can do this, you can do this'. I think I know where I am now. If it's a light blue house after this turn then I'm almost home. Praying to God, I turned to right hoping to see that house. Yes! There it is! Hallelujah, I am not gonna die today! Running as fast as I can without looking back, I'm almost home in no time but when I have just a few steps left I turn around.

What the actual fuck?

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