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Silverpaw watched in horror as Sunheart struggled to drag Snowflake to shore. The current pushed them downstream. Silverpaw started to run along the bank after them.

"Silverpaw wait!" shouted Rosepaw.

Silverpaw stopped running, but kept her eyes locked on her mom and her sister. "We have to help them," she said.

"Silverpaw I can't-" Rosepaw started.

Silverpaw spun around. "What do you mean you can't?" she spat, "They're our kin!" She looked back at the river, but they were nowhere in sight. "Foxdung," Silverpaw mumbled, she ran along the river despite Rosepaw's pleas for her to come back.

Silverpaw ran until it started to rain. She sighed in defeat and returned to where she left Rosepaw. Rosepaw was laying on her side with her back to Silverpaw. "I couldn't find them," she said, "Why didn't you help me look?"

"I wanted to, but..." Rosepaw's voice trailed off. Silverpaw's impending question was answered by a high pitched mew.

Silverpaw gasped, "You had your kits!" Lightning flashed across the sky, "I'll get you a drink," Silverpaw gathered some moss, and dipped it into the river. She heard a faint rustling in the trees. She froze, and looked up slowly. A pair of amber eyes gazed back at her. Silverpaw tried to hiss, but just ended up dropping the moss into the river.

"Hi!" a small black cat, no more than nine moons old, hopped out of the tree, "I'm Milo! Who are you?"

"My name is Silverpaw, my sister is by the river. She just delivered her kits. Can you please help us find shelter?" she said.

"No problem! I live over there," he said. Silverpaw couldn't see where he was pointing through the rain. Silverpaw led him to Rosepaw and her kits.

"Aww, they're so cute!"

"This is Milo, he's going to help us find shelter," Silverpaw explained. Rosepaw nodded.

"I'm going to get help," Milo disappeared into the gloom and came back a minute later with two grey and white cats, "This is Spider and his brother Fraidy."

"Who are they? Why are we helping them?" the nervous tom whispered to Milo.

"She just had her kits, Fraidy we can't leave them in the rain!" he stepped forwards and picked up the calico kit.

"Stranger danger! Stranger danger!" hissed Fraidy. Spider rolled his eyes.

"Folwo me," he said through his bundle.

Fraidy hesitantly grabbed a grey tom by the scruff. The kit yowled and swiped his tiny, unsheathed claws at Fraidy. Fraidy yelped and jumped backwards. Spider snickered, "Don't tell me you're afraid of a little kit," Spider taunted as he picked up a tabby kit.

"He tried to attack me!" Fraidy protested, and picked up one of the other kits.

"Yeah right, nothing says dangerous like a blind kit," Spider replied.

Rosepaw sighed and picked up the 'dangerous' tom, leaving Silverpaw with the weakest kit. The tiny runt was hardly breathing. She carefully lifted the she-cat off the ground. The kit hung limply from Silverpaw's jaw. She blindly followed Milo. She didn't know how he could see through the rain. Eventually a large red building came into view.

"We can't go there!" Silverpaw protested.

"Why not?" asked Milo, "You got something against barns?"

"It's a twolegplace!" Silverpaw said.

"I don't care," hissed Rosepaw, "Shelter is shelter, and we need to get out of this rain."

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