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"I'm not getting in the car." I stated, glaring at the black car I was brought here in.

"Please?" He pouted. I shook my head.

"Please Owl?"

"Don't call me owl. And the answer is still no." I sang

"Fine." Dionysus grumbled, opening the car door and climbing out. "But you asked for it."

"What did I ask fo-ooorrr?" I screamed as I was thrown over his shoulder and swung into the car. He shut the door and before I had time to open it again the car was locked.

"Nice one smart a***. How are you going to get in?" I smirked at him.

"You pose an excellent question, owl."

"The answer is either bribery or trickery -and I'm gonna go with bribery cause I don't seem to get much past you - Yet." He said through the space of the barely opened tinted car window.

"Hmm... So what's the bribe? It'd better be something good - and just so we're clear it's pretty obvious that we aren't gonna be using much money in that army base, so don't try buying me off with what's going to be just dirty paper."

He looked at me and pretended to look hurt. "Me, con you like that? I'm hurt owl. I thought we had bonded through my kidnapping of you." But his tone changed to his light and jokey tone. "Nah. I got something far better than dirty paper. And it includes food."

"Why didn't you just tell me that in the first place? Get in and drive. I'm starving."

He jumped onto the bonnet siding over to his side effortlessly. His door closed with a slam. He then turned the key and the engine purred to life. 

"Where are going?" I asked, my stomach rumbling. Luckily for me the car stereo was playing heavy metal, really, really loudly.

"I'm thinking McDonald's," he grinned.

"Whatever. As long as I get to have a burger I don't care where we go, but Golden Arches do burgers so drive away."

"Golden Arches?" he questioned, eyebrow raising to a perfect curve.

"Yep think about their logo," I said shaking my head. I had called McDonald's Golden Arches all my life, my mum says it all the time so I guess I picked it up from her. "I wasn't really that bothered about where we are going anyway. I was going to try work out how far away it was but..." I drifted off, my voice barely audible against the loud, hammering music.

"It will be about 10 minutes," Dionysus shouted, slamming his foot down. I was thankful I had put my seat belt on because the sudden speed increase pushed me back into the seat. I didn't know the speed limit around here or where here was, but one thing I did know is that we were exceeding it by a good 20 mph. A comfortable silence enveloped the car. Well, by comfortable I mean you weren't able to hear yourself think over the music, which was not necessarily a bad thing though. The silence was not as awkward as I expected it to be, somehow Dionysus made me feel comfortable; he gave off an almost brotherly vibe.

After a short while, and the music had quietened a little, I leaned over to Dionysus and said "Are we there yet?"

"Oh jeez," he replied with a rolling his eyes, "You're not one of those kids are you?"

"Nah, just curious and felt like winding you up." I grinned.

We suddenly took a sharp right and slowed down.

"We're here owl." He said as he pulled into the car park.

"I want the biggest thing they do. And don't call me owl." I answered. I looked up as I got out the car, "Wait this isn't Golden Arches!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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