Welcome to Hell

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The guy was so tall, abnormally tall maybe. His muscles were bulging out of the sleeves of his top, as if the fabric would rip at any minute. Black ink peaked out from under his left sleeves; his bicep was tense by the way his arms crossed over his chest. The black fabric of his top clung to him, clearly showing of his toned body. Was that a 8 pack? I looked away and I looked at his hair. It was blonde, short and spiked with pink tips. Huh? He's a guy with pink tips in his hair. Pink! Well at least my kidnapper had style.https://youtu.be/5mi-BAQep9M

I looked at his face; a long pale scar ran from his right eyebrow up in a diagonal line into the center of his forehead for about 3 cm. I wonder how he got that, a kidnapping gone wrong maybe. A light stubble grew on his chin and I could tell by his face he was older than me, late teens early twenties maybe. His eyes were a soft green and stared at my with lots of emotion. I couldn't decide if it was jealousy or approval or even both?

I gulped, staring down at him with mixed feelings. The main one - anger; but there was a tiny bit of me that was amazed and intrigued. I leaped down from the box room.

"Where am I?" I growled.

"Huh, so you honestly have no idea about who you are?" His words seemed slurred as if he had already had a few drinks.

"Where am I?!" I screamed.

"Welcome to the hell that has becoming the rest of your life." He said, his tone now more sympathetic than amused. My heart sank.

"Hell?" I whispered, more to myself than him.

"This is Army Base 1 - your new home for the rest of your life. The army want you, me and other unsuspecting kids to win this war. Originally you were supposed to move in at 18 like me, but this god forsaken war means they need you early." He said, his voice grew louder at the end. I could tell this was a touchy subject for him.

"So the army kidnapped me?" I asked.

"Well," he said scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Just, please don't hurt me. I was under orders!"

"So it was you who kidnapped me." I half-asked looking him dead in the eye. He looked away so I shut my eyes. The words on how to attack him were all I saw once again.


That was it. I snapped like a tree struck by lightning. The words flowed into my mind and I attacked. My eyes snapped open and I felt like my eyes must have been red with rage. I leaped forward and watched as he put his hands forward to defend himself. Ha. Predictable. I then slid under his legs and jumped up to grab him from behind. I grabbed his thick arms and yanked it into an arm lock. He retaliated by flipping all his - and my - bodyweight forward. Luckily I landed on my feet. Hm. Well trained. But not as good as my mind images. I closed my eyes and watched what to do next. I lunged forward as if to throw a punch then instead put all the force in my leg to foot swipe him. He fell backwards with his arms behind his back and I put my foot over his throat strong enough to keep him pinned, but light enough so that he could breathe without struggle. This was the perfect opportunity to interrogate him - provided no one else walked in.

"You said the army wanted me, why?" I asked.

His eyes darkened, "Another question."

"No that question." I growled, adding a little more pressure.

"No," He wheezed, "You can ask them that."

"Fine," I said relieving that added pressure. "Why were they waiting to take us until we were 18?"

"They thought 18 was the age we would be mature enough to deal with the fact we had a different destiny to other people."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Are the other kids here yet, and why did you call them unsuspecting?"

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