The Inescapable Room

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Groggily I woke up, rolling over onto my back so I could stretch. Only I didn't roll onto a soft bed I fell onto the ground. I snapped my eyes open to see that I was now laid on a concrete floor, complete with a thick layer of dust. I leaped up, my mind sharp from the coldness of the room, and scanned my surroundings.

I was in a small, brilliant white room with a matching white camping bed. There were no windows but a single solitary grey door. I cautiously walked to the door and brushed my sleeve against the handle, wary for any electric charge it may have been set up with. It seemed ok and so I wrapped my nervous fingers around the door handle and turned. Great. It was locked. But what was I expecting? For whoever put me in here to let me out that easily? Wait a minute. My mind reeled. Who was it who put me in here? I suddenly realised what I was wearing, and I was pretty sure it wasn't something I owned.
I was wearing a strange draping cloth which was a dark red but it looked as if it had been dipped in precious silver spiderwebs at the bottom and twirled up and faded as it reached my middle. It was a dress? What I thought was a sleeve was just the spare cloth which formed a sort of cape. On the top was a small silver pin - about the size of a cookie - in the shape of an owl, silhouetted by a golden olive tree. Mmm... The thought of cookies made my mouth water and I realised how hungry I was.
I closed my eyes taking this all in, what I didn't expect was to see a load of words. They were written in luminous silver, seeming to be in another language. Amazingly I seemed to understand it and it appeared to be a way to break out the room I was in. But these haunting words and diagrams put me on edge.
I closed my eyes hoping, praying that if I thought about it hard enough, willed myself to be back at the ballet studio enough I would go back and everything would be normal. This would have just been a bad dream. All this could just disappear.
But it didn't. I stopped; it was useless trying this any longer. I was still in this room in these strange clothes. I closed my eyes and let out a frustrated growl. The words were still there, saying the same as before. I didn't understand why all of a sudden I could see them. I was so confused and wanted answers. Now. 
Instead I shrugged my shoulders and followed the plan. My hallucinations showed me that the door was made with what must've been thick carbon fibre, like the wall, so the possibility of breaking it was out the window. Or wall, I suppose. I then automatically pressed my face against the wall beside the door and tried to peer between the crack of the door and the wall. But there wasn't one. It was a fake door. My mind images fizzled like a cartwheel firework and exploded and swirled to show me another 50 different possibilities. Hmm... Perhaps my crazy pictures were not so terrifying, maybe even bordering on not unhelpful. Maybe. These ghostly images suddenly highlighted a few patches of the ground leading to where I had been when I woke up. I knelt down onto my hands and knees silently to get a closer look at it. The thick dust had been disturbed to leave a set of footprints. They weren't mine. I took a better look at the footprint nearest where I was left. The writing then typed into a list to the right of the print. It read:
< Size - 11
< Weight total - 23st. 10lb
< Weight of unknown wearer T-O= 14st 2lb
< Height 6'3" 
The information almost seemed to fly toward me, and in an instant I could have recited it all without all the chaos in front of my eyes. I then followed the footprints backward and I knocked on the wall looking for a hollow spot. Again these doors seemed to evade me. I looked up and noticed a faint line on the ceiling. I had found my way up. I ripped the thin mattress from the camp bed and threw it to the floor. Good, the camp bed used bars. I then turned the bed onto its end and put the mattress beneath as a safety net. I then climbed up and pushed at the roof. It moved. I pushed harder and slid it to the side. I then climbed up and through the new small hole in the roof and looked around me. I was in a giant empty warehouse. Only one person stood there watching me.
"Two minutes?" He said half-laughing, "Are you kidding me? Jeez they must've got it perfected when it came to you."

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