Mother, dinner ??

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"Come on, I'm not gonna have anymore shots".....I told Kate, she's all hyped on getting really drunk and I just decided to stay sober enough to know what is wrong and can possibly drive.

"Seriously, you're such a kill joy."

"I didn't say you can't drink, but I won't drink that much as you, go and have fun Kate, go and dance, I'll be here."

With that, she left for the dance floor. It's been about 2weeks since I last saw Chris, things happened a lot of things. After the day he decided to call me in for lunch and me turning him down cause he took me for second choice, he insisted I go out on one dinner date with him, at first I rejected. He insisted and pressed on me to go, with so many attempts of him that it could turn out something great, after a week I finally approved. We went to a really nice fancy restaurant, too fancy for my usual, but I enjoyed it.

We had dinner, we talked, he told me on how he's getting the title of the C.E.O of his fathers company and his fathers plans on how he should settle down, he's old enough, maybe start a family. I laughed when he told me the attempts of girls he didn't even sleep with claiming he's their baby daddy.

After the dinner he took me home, he even stepped down to walk me to my door, he stopped me and kissed me, it was a full on kiss on the lips, I was shocked but I let him.

He left before things got out of hand, I trust myself to put a stop on it but I know I wouldn't, and lucky for me, he isn't rushing into things if not, I don't think I would be Happy with the way things would've ended.

After that he never called, after a whole week, I saw him, I didn't talk to him, I really ignored him as if he wasn't there, At least a call or a text could've done  okay. He's tried to ask me to let him explain, but I didn't let him.
He finally cornered me in the elevators, he said no one will go out until I let him explain.

I let him go on, when he was about to open his mouth and talk to me, his phone rung, he ignored it at first, he didn't talk till after the phone stopped ringing, and again the phone went off, he answered the call the second time, it was a girl, and definitely not his sister cause I didn't miss "baby" "darling" shit she called him. After the call, I asked him who it was, he said it was just a friend and he had to go that he's sorry and when he gets back I should please let him explain, he ran out and I was left alone there, I thought id give him a chance to explain but after a week, of no call, text or anything from him. I gave up, it was sorta easy to forget him cause there was nothing deep between us, but it keeps bugging me, he acted as if he was real, as If he really liked me. I give him credit for acting, he's a good one.
Even if he comes back, I'll like things to stay official. I wouldn't want anything with feelings.

"Hey Sara, look I got us company" Kate said coming over with four guys, 2 had their dates.
That's when I realized one of them is Chris, and the other one is the guy that bumped into me when I was on my way to work. The ever so good looking stranger. I froze on my sit when my eyes met Chris's. 
"This is Jordan" Kate said when she point out to Chris.
"This is Marcus" she point out to the stranger that bumped into me.
"This is Liam, and this is his wife, summer."
"And this is Kevin, with his fiancé laurel"
"Guys this is my best friend, Sara."

I was still shock I didn't really focus on what they were saying to me. They all took their sits around our table, Kate was so busy flirting with Marcus, and all the other couples were chatting away with their partner. I just sat down there staring at the table infront of  me.

"Loveanda, how are you?"
Finally Chris decided to talk.
"I'm fine Chris."
I didn't care how he was, actually I do but I won't ask, cause he looks pretty good to me.

"Can we.."
He started talking when my phone started ringing. It was like de javu, except that this time it's my phone that went off. I excused myself and went out, it was my mom that was calling.
"Hi, mom, how are you?"

"I'm fine love, I thought I should call and see if you can make it to a family dinner this weekend."

"Family? Who and who??"

"Your cousins, uncles and aunts love, everyone is coming."

"Even Mallaih?"
"Yes love, Mallaih is coming, with Steve."
Steve is Mallaih's husband, and my ex-boyfriend. I found out he was cheating on me with Mallaih after almost a year of our relationship, he met Mallaih when I took him to one of my family dinners,  he's been seeing her for almost 6months when I found out. So I broke it off with him, after all I liked him, but it didn't take me enough to get over him, I just liked him, not loved. It wasn't that deep.

"Oh" I just muttered, it's not that I'm jealous but I hate seeing Mallaih, she always bluff it on my face whenever we meet cause I don't have a boyfriend. Saying that I'm still not over her husband.

"You should come with a date too Love, that way you won't have to worry about Mallaih's tease. I'm sure Atleast there's a guy that is trying to get to you Love, you're a beautiful girl, you should really think of settling down and and give me some grand kids." My mother laughed. I laughed along with her not putting any serious tone within her seriousness in a jokey manner.

"My so ever joking mother, don't worry, I'll stop a guy on the street and ask him to escort me to family dinner, I'm sure he's more than willing to, and maybe I can possibly ask him to help me produce some grand kids, my mother desperately wants more after all she's got one, cause things just work like that." My mother laughed with me.

"Okay I should leave you, just try and get one Honey." My mother said

"Okay mom, I might be with a +1, I might not, I can neither confirm nor deny it. Goodnight mother"
I cut off the call only to turn around to see Chris smirking at me.

" I can be your date, if you'd like, and maybe possibly more than willing to help you produce some grand kids for your mother."

I just stood there, I can be confused with a statue, cause I'm so shocked. No words for that.


You have to give me credit for some tender updates mahn.. I'm usually one for updating after a year! No I wasn't pissed when I was writing this lol :D
But it was cool writing except my hands are tired. Gggeeeejjjdhsj bye bye! New chap coming up soon! ;) or possibly after a year
There's no in between!

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