Well.. Awkward

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We have been in the car for so long, well it's been just like 5 minutes but it feels like eternity god. All the while I feel Chris's eyes on me, If I can dig a whole and let it swallow me, I'll definitely take that offer.

"So how do you guys know each other?" Chris's date asked.


We both answered at the same time. Nobody got what we said.

"What?" Chris's girlfriend asked

"We are friends" Chris answered her.

"No we are not, we just know each other due to some work project" I corrected.

"We knew each other since before it, remember at the coffee shop" Chris argued.

"Yeah, how can I forget that terrible encounter, but it was all full of hate oxygen so, no we are not friends, you are my boss---in a new project only, and well--- we have mutual friends, that's it"

"We are friends?" Evan asked

"Yeah? Aren't we?"

"Dude you just got friend-zoned" Chris said with a mean toned laugh.

"No, it's just that we are taking things by step, we just met today---on a blind date" I said defending Evan.

"What?? You guys met today and you already called him a friend? What about me, we've known each other since Saturday" Chris said with a tone of hurt in his voice.

"Okay guys shut up, why are you all fighting on being her friend? It's not like she's got a free pass to heaven" Chris's date said.
It would've hurt me, but she's irrelevant and her opinion doesn't matter because I don't even know her.

"What's your name even?" She asked.

I looked at her for a while then decided on answering her cause I won't let her know the tone she used in asking my name is lame.

"It's Sara" I said with a smile like a kid who's mom agreed on getting ice cream in the winter.

"That's not what Jordan called you" she said
"Oh yeah, that's high profile, it's not for everyone to know, but if you must know is Loveanda"

"Is that your name, it's sounds like some juice in shaky-fruits" she said with a bitchy tone.

"Oh well, what can I say, it's delicious" I said smiling widely and happily grateful of my comeback Although how nasty it may sound, she needed to be directed to her sit.

Chris laughed. So did Evan.

"Why do you call him Jordan?" I asked, breaking the thin silence.

"I call him that cause he is my boyfriend" Chris's date answered.

"What's your name?" I asked,
"Juliet" she answered

"Everyone calls him with his middle name, that's how it started."

"I like Chris more, it's not that it's unique, Jordan is unique but I just prefer Chris I guess" I said though my opinion is highly not needed.

"I love it when people call me with my first name, I take it to heart." He said smiling at me.

I smiled back at him, my heart is all warmed up and I feel so jiggly inside.

"Yeah whatever" Juliet said as she wraps her hand around Chris and dragged him into a kiss. Chris dodged her kiss, and she starts to seduce him, Chris removed her hand from him.

"Babe what's wrong?" Juliet asked.

"Juliet, please I'm not in the mood for this."

"But honey, you're always in the mood for me" Juliet said to Chris.

"Not now, no I'm not."

She got annoyed and sat back on her sit without saying a word.

I fed my cat, I still need to take her to the vet, she eats good and well, I just need to take her anyways, to be sure. I love her so much I can't risk anything happening to her.
We dropped off Chris and his bimbo At his place, he lives in one of their hotels penthouse, he could've just called his driver to pick him up, we just happen to meet again. after dropping off Chris, Evan dropped me, he was so kind he came up with me to my door, he was intending on a full on kiss and it might lead to something but I zoned him and turned my face to a side cheek grandpa kiss.


So my that chappie content was fully 711 words, trust me I wasn't intending on putting more than 711 words but I'm apparently so obsessed with Beyonce's 711 and my eyes apparently dropped on the word 711... Sorry I'm taking centuries to update, I've really been busy, well too much stress from school and a lot of other things but it's summer, I want to Atleast finish it by august, so I kinda wanna promise Atleast 3chaps in a week... Please don't hold me to it, anything might come up, tho god forbid anything harmful thing. So thank you for still hanging on with me to read and please vote and comment, I don't have a complete book on wattpad so no one comment but I'll love it for people to vote and comment and share, I promise I'll follow up, you can hold me to that!! Thank you I blab a lot goodbye have every single blessed day of your life with great things!

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