Carey Price (MC)

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For my one and only, jholloway1999.

*this imagine is inspired by Miles Away by Memphis May Fire*


-Carey's POV-

   The summer was wonderful. I had gone back home to Vancouver with my wife, visited my family and traveled to the other side of the country to visit hers. We went to Italy and spent so much time together stuffing Italian pastries in our faces, but now it is October, and we are back in Montreal. I was packing my bag for our first road trip of the year, and although I had gone on many road trips before without her, I had never gone and left her while she was broken. It was only last week we had gotten news that she had miscarried our first child, and she was a mess, but then again, so was I.

   "Baby, I'll be fine." She says, turning away from me and looking out of the bedroom window. I could hear her breath hitch, and I knew that there was a tear falling down her face. I went over and hugged her tight, not speaking until I knew she had stopped crying. It broke my heart seeing her so anxious and upset lately, but I knew all I could do was be supportive. 

   She went to run herself a bath, while I finished packing for the 10 day trip. We were going out west and I desperately wanted to stay home and comfort my angel, but I knew that this was my job and I had to go. She needs me here with her, but the team needs me as well. I just prayed that she would be okay during the trip, I had friends coming to check in on her, but I knew that she wouldn't open up to them. They weren't me, and i'm all she really wanted to talk too. 


   We had 3 games over with, and in each game, I was pulled. I wasn't starting tonight against the Oilers for that very reason, but I didn't care. My heart wasn't in the game, and neither was my head. I was beyond thankful for this lifestyle, as there was times when I was a boy where all I wanted was to be in the NHL, but it had such a toll on me. I knew I was living my dream, but it certainly didn't feel like it when I knew she was probably home crying in our queen sized bed. All I wanted was to be there next to her, holding her and whispering how it was going to be okay. Kissing her softly and comforting her by rubbing my hand up and down her arm. I just wanted to know she was okay. 

   She had always wanted to be a mother from the day I had met her. She had a cute sundress on with sandals, and was shopping at the farmers market during the summer in Vancouver. She was trying to reach the "best tomatoes" on the top, but she couldn't, so I leaned in and grabbed the bunch she was attempting to get. She thanked me, and we went off to get coffee and to talk. That was 9 years ago, and every time we had talked about our future, she would always say that she wanted to be a mother. When she called me saying that the doctor called and said that we were going to be parents, I was overjoyed. She was finally going to be a mom, and a wonderful one at that. But when she woke me up at 4 in the morning in tears, I knew that something was wrong. The doctor had said she had miscarried, and her hopes of being a mother were ripped away. She knew we could try again, but she had her heart set on being pregnant right then. I brought her home and I knew it was going to be some time before she was going to be her bright and cheerful self, and all I wanted was to hold her. I had told her that she could call me whenever, and when I was called out of the game that night for an "emergency call", I knew it was about her.

   "Hello?" I said, in a slight panic.

   "Carey- i'm sorry for interrupting your game, even though I knew you were benched." She had started crying, and with every sob, my heart broke even more than I thought possible. 

   "No, sweetheart, it's okay. Cry if you want."

   "I need you home, I can't take this. I haven't slept in days and i'm a mess Carey. Please."

   I could feel a lump in my throat and I knew I had to be there.

   "Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you." I said as I hung up, getting undressed and ready to tell coach Therrien that I was leaving, half way into the road trip. I needed to be there for my wife, I shouldn't of even come on this trip. 

   As the second period ended, coach marched his way into the room and before he could speak, I pulled him aside. 

   "I'm sorry, but I really need to leave. My wife had a miscarriage and I need to be with her. She's a mess, and I shouldn't of even come on this-"

   "It's okay, go on. She needs you, Carey." 

   "Thank you so much, I- uh, need to go. Good luck." I say to him, as I march out of the dressing room and out of the arena. I call a cab and head to the hotel to get my things, and then to the airport and plan for the next flight to Montreal. 

  "Sweetie, I'm on my way. Just try and relax with a bath or sleep until I get there. I love you, see you soon."


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