Connor McDavid (EO)

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"Connor sweetie, do you know where my makeup is?" Connor and I were going out to supper to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, and I couldn't find my makeup anywhere. I had gotten out of the shower and could not find my makeup bag anywhere.

"No... is it in the cupboard?" Connor replied. I had looked in the cupboard. Hell, I turned the entire bathroom of our new Edmonton apartment upside down. I marched out into the bedroom that connected to the bathroom and saw Connor on the bed in just his boxers and a suspicious look on his face.

"Are you done in the bathroom yet? I need to shower!" He exclaimed.

"Connor there's another shower in the hall bath."

"But that ones a bath tub and all my stuff is in that shower!" He complained.

I smiled and walked over to him, sitting on the foot of the bed.

"You can have it when you tell me where my makeup bag is."

"Noooooo, NEVER!" He sprung off the bed and ran to the kitchen, I giggled and followed him, but when I got to the kitchen he was no where to be seen.

I walked to the porch to notice a little yellow sticky note with the words "check the living room" written on it in big black letters. Finally I thought to myself, I was already running a little late, and I only had my underwear and one of Connor's shirts on.

I walked into the living room where I was greeted by another sticky note, this one was bright blue with the words "oops, check the car".

I went to put some pants on and ran out the door to the car. I opened the drivers side to see another bright pink sticky which read "the trunk, sweetheart". I got out and closed the door and walked around to the trunk of the car.

I opened the trunk to see a set of roses and yet another yellow note: "oops, so not your makeup bag ;) BUT bring these roses inside and I'll be waiting for you." Connor had got me a dozen yellow roses, my favourite flowers.

I walked back inside the house and placed the roses in a vase. I walked back into the bedroom to see Connor, now with a pair of sweatpants on, with a sticky note stuck to his chest, "kiss me to find out where your makeup bag is".

I leaned in to give Connor a kiss and he smiled.

"You don't need your makeup, you're beautiful just the way you are." He smiled and pecked me on the cheek.

"Awe, thank you, but I'd feel 10 times more confident if I had my mascara on."

"What's the magic word?"

"Pleaseeeeeee." I giggled.

"Alright, alright it's in the top drawer in the bathroom. You have an hour to make yourself feel beautiful, even though you're already beautiful to me." Connor smiled, and so did I. I leaned in to give him another kiss before going to the bathroom to make myself feel pretty, but inside I knew that Connor truly thought I was beautiful and he's the only man I try and impress.

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