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Hey I'm Frankie. I'm 17 years old turning 18 next month. I live with my mam and my brother an sister in Manchester. My dad passed away when I was 6 in a car crash. My brother was in the car with him but he luckily survived it. I dont want to get to into talking about thaf though. Theres a house party on tonight at one of the guys from schools house. Me and my four bestfriends are going. My best friends are Lucas he is 18, Emily who just turned 17, Roy he is 19 and Tara who is turning 17 in October. Well im pretty tired so Im going to try sleep.
Bye :)
Hey guys, This is my first real attempt at a fanfiction but ill try my best to make it good for ye !!
If you have any questions or spot any mistakes please comment and let me know thank you ! Hope you guys enjoy !!! :)

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