In Love

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A/N: Hello friends!!! I've been gone for like eons (okay maybe 6 months) but I promise you, I've been so busy, I've been putting studying over everything else lately (it's a very important year for me) SORRY! Anyway here's a little angst/fluff, hope ya'll like it! (Sorry if it is a little rusty, I'm feeling pretty rusty when it comes to writing now .)
In Love

He was a mess.

Tears couldn't stop streaming down his face, his tired eyes swollen. He lay down next to you, facing you with his eyes shut.

Using both your hands, you cupped his face and brought his face in for a kiss. His arms drifted to your hips, bringing you closer to him.

"Jiyong, I'm so sorry...." You mumbled, as he rubbed the back of your neck.

"Don't worry about it, jagi...." He assured you, his fists clenching the blanket behind you, a way of venting his frustration.

His breathing was short, but you let him cry, because sometimes, crying was the best way to feel better. He sobbed and sobbed, because he was so in love, and when he loved, it was so heavy on his heart.

His red hair was messy, and you ran your fingers through it, eventually falling asleep with him as his breathing slowed and his tears ran out like a dripping tap that was finally shut off.

Jiyong liked to describe himself as a hopeless romantic. He always regretted putting those rose-tinted glasses on and making everything seem and feel like a fantasy; something that would make love last happily ever after. Ideologies of a perfect relationship destroyed him, fanciful cards were meaningless and the effort he put in to make love look like an art form was all misunderstood.

He felt emptiness.

It was like a sort of isolation he felt, especially after a concert when the stadium cleared and he was shaded by the body guards who sometimes, shoved the fans away. You remembered how furious Seungri was about this before.

Love conquered Jiyong's mind and body, and he was convinced he was going to marry you. Tie the knot, with a lovely ribbon on top. Just how he liked it. He adored it.

It had been a very long day for both of you, and you couldn't stop replaying his face falling in your head, as he swept his bangs out of his eyes and avoided your eye contact. You thought he was mad for a moment, but his heart only beat faster for other reasons.

"You are beautiful tonight," he had managed to choke out. That was all he said, and he buried his face in his hand as you embraced him. You could never imagine his pain; he had finally asked you to be his lifelong partner, the exact day you had planned to tell him you were moving away. Marriage was out of the question, especially with his current career, and you had to provide for yourself. In this case, it was a very well paying job you had found outside of the country, based on your profession and what you were trained for.

That night, you spent the night in his apartment, savouring the night together, as you helped him through probably one of the loneliest nights he felt there could ever be.

The wind sent a chill through your body and it was strange, the windows were closed when you entered the room. Rolling over, you realised Jiyong wasn't there next to you; instead you heard the gentle tapping of fingers and soft humming. Opening your eyes just slightly, you saw Jiyong hunched over at his recording desk, scribbling down something as he balanced his guitar on his knee.

"If you... If you..." He sang quietly, dragging the second "you" ever so slightly. He mumbled random things to himself, fiddling with his pen in one hand as he swayed his head. You wanted to tell him to go to sleep, but writing songs kept him alive, so you let him be.

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