My Universe

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My Universe

"You mean the world to me, you know that," Jiyong grabbed your shoulders and embraced you, placing your head on his chest as you clung onto his shirt, sobbing, watching the sasaeng being dragged away, through your teary, blurred vision, by a kind stranger on the broad walk. She had scratched you, screamed at you, told you Jiyong didn't love you.

Your greatest fear.

A couple's relationship can only go three ways; They can spend the rest of their lives together content with each other's company, get married, or break up. Break up, the phrase already made your heart ache, furthermore it is constantly worried one party does not love the other enough.

"You are my world, and you have my word."

You leaned against Jiyong, your head resting in the crook of his neck. Your legs were tangled under the thin blanket as you both lay on the beach towel at an isolated part of the broad walk you had both escaped, staring up at the clear night sky. Your shirts, bags and shoes lay in a messy heap next to him as he had hastened to lay you down to the towel, to shower you with love.

He had removed his shirt almost instantly, flexing. He attacked you slowly at first with peppered kisses, then held your face tenderly in his hand as the sun set, and you could feel the magic as his lips worked, wrapping themselves around yours.

Night fall, his eyes gleamed like the stars above, and you could feel the shooting stars in your stomach as he put his other arm around you. The crashing of the waves was calming, and the entire atmosphere seemed so surreal, just like his presence always was.

His pearly white smile and eye smile were adorable.

He was humming a ballad, something he wouldn't usually hum, and his hair was a maroon mess.

"Jiyong... why do we always crave for more love by others when some of us already have that special one already loves us so much?"

He thought for a while, pursing his lips and furrowing his brows, turning over to come face to face with you.

"I don't agree to that," he stroked your face with his calloused thumb, "I feel loved enough by you, I don't need more. Promise. Don't feel so worried, I love you more than you can imagine."

You closed the gap between your bodies once again, as you ran your fingers up and down his bare, muscular arm, watching the stars twinkling in the black night sky. They were beautiful, mesmerising, just like Jiyong himself, inside out. You both spent the next hour spotting constellations and he gave you small pecks on the side of your mouth once in a while. His little smirk after each one was adorable, and so genuine you believed what he said previously, one true love rather than many uncertain ones.

"That one looks like a baby," you pointed up at the strange constellation.

"Yeah, our baby." You laughed, and laughed, maybe because it was such a dream at the time, or maybe because you were just so happy your engagement was pretty secure.

"You should get some sleep, jagi," he told you, propping himself onto one arm to pat your head and give the entire blanket to you, even on such a chilly night. He was not the best singer, but he managed to sing you a lullaby, allowing you to sleep to the sound of waves and trees rustling in the breeze, and the smell of salty sea water.


"_____-ah! Wake up!" You were jolted awake and sat upright. Jiyong was already sitting close to you, pointing at the horizon.

The sun rise was beautiful. The sky was painted in splotches of pink, blue and red as the enchanting moments passed, fluffy cotton-candy-like clouds mixing with the colours. The sun peeked just above the horizon and you found Jiyong kissing you again with the utmost passion, and even when you closed your eyes, the sun rise still felt as magical because the kiss was even more than that.

He looked into your eyes, and you stared back at his beautiful brown eyes in the fresh rays of sunlight. Although the night was over, you could see the galaxy held behind the windows to his soul, deep and gleaming, your reflection in his eyes.

"I love you."

So when he said that, you knew the universe did too.

A/N: Hohoho hello!!! I'm again forever apologising for never updating, dear me I'm terrible. I've had 0 inspiration and I really wish I had more creativity *sigh* maybe you all could request, I think it would be so much better :) my reads increased by more than double (to be specific, by 11k!) since the last time I updated, people are so amazing. *hugs*

This one shot is inspired by the amazing quotes by @bigbangtho on Instagram. Her quotes and edits are mind-blowing!!

I'm afraid I'll be going on a nearly year-long hiatus very soon, because I'm taking my GCE 'O' Levels this year(I'm 16 this year), since I'm a student in Singapore! Hope you like this one, I'm really hoping the style and feel of my writing has not deteriorated bc of school! (It's super short too>.<)

Side note: if you understand Chinese and celebrate the new year, 新年快乐,万事如意!我真的希望你们过个幸福、快乐的年。Happy year of the goat, stay forever guys :P

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