Chapter 18: losing him (2nd last chapter)

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"Sting, sting" yelled Lucy as she burst into the guild to see the guild on the floor but Sting was the worst of all with plenty of broken bones. Standing over them were Jiemma and Minerva.
"I warned you did I not" snarled Lucy taking a step towards them.
"I told you but you didn't listen so you leave me no choice" snarled Lucy as she go ready.
"What are you going to do you little weak replacement" laughed Minerva and Lucy's magic shoot out.
"Fourth generation dragon slaying secret age eye of the dragon" yelled Lucy and her body started to to glow before she grew and turned into a dragon before roaring out.
"JIEMMA, MINERVA" screamed Lucy as she picks them up before smashing them into the ground before she transformed back and summoned a blade.
"Judgement blade judge them" yelled Lucy as she lowed the sword before killing both Jiemma and Minerva fast and painless.
"Sting" yelled Lucy as she raced over to him before he started to glow.
"No" yelled Lucy sobbing. Lucy looked shocked before his facial features changed.

"Jake" said Lucy shocked.
"I saw it happening because of my magic I transported Sting to your house basically unharmed so I changed myself and here I am" said Jake coughing violently.
"Why did you do it?" Asked Lucy.
"Because I knew you truly loved him you guys are mates I wish he was me I loved you I really did it had nothing to do with your power" said Jake making tears slip down his face.
"But now I will be with Sam, Ruby and Aqua" smiled Jake as he looked at the sky.
"Who are Ruby Aqua" asked Lucy brushing Jakes hair through her fingers.
"They were mine and Sam's first loves" smiled Jake.
"Make a family Jake ok I will see you again one day" smiled Lucy as she kissed his forehead and Jakes eyes closed making Lucy hug him sobbing until the guild started to awaken.

"What happened? Where is Rouge and Sting?" Asked the guild to each other.
"Excuse me" said a council member as he walked towards Lucy who was sobbing.
"Lucy-sama what happened?" Asked Lahar.
"Jiemma and Minerva attacked the guild Rouge came to get me I came and killed them but Jake he....please excuse me I have to plan his funeral" said Lucy as he covered his body with a blanket and then walked out the door to the train station she knew the best place to bury Jake.

"Wendy I will be away for a week Sting is in my apartment let him know" said Lucy through her mind.
"Hai what happened?" Asked Wendy.
"Jake disguised himself a Sting Wendy Jake died I will be away planning his funeral I will send invitations out" said Lucy.
"Ok" said Wendy and then Lucy boarded the train.

A week later

Everyone was there the dragons, Zeref, Layla everyone from the Dragon realm as well as other creatures. Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were all there even though Sabertooth disbanded all the members were there. Where were they Heartfeila mansion.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen we are here today to say good bye to a loved one, Jake Heart was a great friend I knew him since he was a baby he should have had a longer life but he died to protect Sabertooth and it's members I now invite anyone to say something" said Lucy and Wendy walked up.
"I remember when I first saw Jake the first thing he did was pull my cheeks and ruffle my hair which made me laugh because I was crying because I was lost may you rest in piece Jake" said Wendy as she placed a Rose on his coffin. Everyone then rose and started to place roses on the coffin until Lucy came up.
"Rest well my brother" whispered Lucy as she sat a crystal Rose down. When they started to low the coffin into the ground Lucy broke and cried into Stings chest who had tears running down his face like many people did.

"Um can I have everyone's attention I would like to play a little song for jake" said Lucy after she stopped crying getting encouragement from Sting.
"I can't" sobbed Lucy as she fell to her knees in hysterics.
"It's ok Lucy it's ok he wouldn't want this he would want happy Lucy" said Layla as she hugged her daughter.
"I can't sing for him I just" said Lucy.
"Sorry everyone but Lucy is unable to preform so maybe another day" announced Sting and Lucy nodded as they finally all settled down and set there separate ways.
"All Sabertooth mages are welcome at Fairy Tail.
"Am I finally free now" Lucy said to the sky.
"Yes now come" smiled Sting as they ran to the train smiling the whole way.

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