Chapter 9: New wizard saints

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Lucy and Wendy woke up the next morning in a house they didn't know with Pandu and Carla so they got there magic ready to attack.
"Don't use your magic it's mine and rouges house after you two it drunk at the bar we brought you home cause you didn't have a house yet" said sting as he yawned and walked out of the bathroom in only a towel.
"Idiot get some clothes on" snapped Lucy as she threw a pillow at him so sting retreated to his bedroom to get clothes on.
"Since they took care of us let's make them breakfast then we will go on a mission with Carla and Pandu it they want to" said Wendy as Lucy nodded as they walked to the kitchen and started to cook. Not two seconds later Sting, Rouge, Lector, Frosch, Pandu and Carla were sitting at the table ready for there food.
"After this me and Wendy are going on a mission do you want to come?" Asked Lucy to Carla and pandu.
"I think we will stay with Frosch and lector" smiled Pandu and Lucy nodded in in understanding.
"I understand someone has a crush" said Lucy and Pandu blushed.
"I don't know what you are talking about" said Carla crossing her arms and looking away but her cheeks were red.
"Come on Lucy by the time these guys are at the guild it will be midday hey Rouge Sting can you watch over these watch them closely" smiled Wendy as they both waved and went to the guild to get a mission.
"What about this one to destroy a dark guild?" Asked Wendy holding the mission up.
"No let's do this one it's a century mission to kill a band of a thousand monsters we should've finished in half an hour" said Lucy and Wendy nodded get ingot stamped by Minerva.
"Ok let's do this" grinned Lucy when they were away from the other people.
"Dragon wings" said Wendy and light blue wings with dark blue through them sprouted from her back and Lucy's wings spouted black with gold through it.

Meanwhile Sting and Rouge were trying to control Pandu because some idiot in the guild have all the exceeds coffee so Pandu started to act uncorollable.
"Lucy hurry up an help me" cried Sting as everyone took cover behind the bar as Pandu went on a destroy rampage destroying anything in her way after they refused to give her more coffee.
"Since when did we redecorate?" Asked Wendy as she and Lucy walked in to see the damaged guild.
"Lucy she is a monster" said Sting a she crawled to Lucy and attached himself to her leg an refused to let go until Lucy kicked him into the wall.
"Pandu were you a good girl?" asked Lucy and Pandu nodded her head smiling sweetly.
"I was like an angel" smiled Pandu and the people who were now standing fell Over in shock.
"Oh really?" Asked Lucy tapping her foot and staring at pandu.
"It wasn't my fault yet gave me coffee" said Pandu.
"And it so happened to slip into your mouth I am sorry for doing this but you will not be" said lucy.
"No please anything but that pleas have mercy" cried pandu.
"no you will not be getting any candy for a week" said Lucy and Pandu started to cry.
"do you wish it to be longer now fix the mess you made" said Lucy and Pandu nodded as she finished crying.
"Time arch" said Pandu an the room went back to the way it was right down to the last thing.
"Didn't you guys go on a century mission?" Asked Minerva.
"Yes but we finished within half an hour and then we were called into the magic council for a meeting and they gave Lucy first wizard saint and merge second" smile Wendy as they showed there pins. Lucy's was on a hair tie that was used to tie we hair up while Wendy's was on a necklace around her neck.
"Alright listen up we will be participating in the grand magic games this yer and the team will be Sting, Rouge, Wendy, Lucy and rufous the reserves will be Yukino, Olga and Minerva and they all nodded and began to party.
"with Lucy and Wendy how can we lose I mean we are the strongest team ever" yelled lector and everyone cheered.

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