Chapter 5: the return that they didn't realise

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"That's it Lucy now all you have to go is concentrate on the fire think like fire feel fire now consume fire" said Igneel and Lucy sucked the fire down and kept it down.
"Well done hime you have finished training it took you a little longer at dragon slaying because Wendy already knew what to do" chuckled Igneel as he watcher Lucy stretch and then stand again.
"I guess it's time to go to mother now for a makeover" said Lucy with no emotion on her voice.
"Lucy you know you can show emotion to us" said igneel.
"I told you I will only show my emotions to Wendy she has been through what I have been through" said Lucy as she walked into the castle.

"Hey Wendy-chan" smiled Lucy as she walked in and saw the new Wendy. she had light blonde hair almost white down to her hips that she kept in a pony tail, her eyes were a dark night sky blue nearly black she normally wore a tight shirt and a pair of jeans with a leather jacket.
"Love the new look go chat to Romeo while I get changed then we will go back to the guild" said Lucy as she walked into her mothers room. thy had been in contact with Romeo ever since they started after all he was looking after Carla as she decide to stay there instead of going with them. The guild hadn't changed in fact no one even remembered them anymore so they decide they would go back prove they were strong as see there grandfather Makarov and there older brother Laxus. They still haven't decided to what guild to join but they decide to work on that later.
"Lucy this will hurt a little" said Layla.
"I told you before this is not pain" said Lucy as the spell hit her making her wince. An hour later they were finished and Lucy looked in the mirror. her hair was now black and to her feet, her eyes were red showing she had taken after we father, she had the zodiac signs tattooed around her neck a well as the elements of magic she knew around her wrist but what was amazing was that every dragon, wolf, fairy, dragon, Phoenix, god, goddess, angel, devil, demon and all her other mentors had a tattoo on her body that only she and other slayers could see.
"Wow Lucy-nee you look amazing" smiled Wendy as she walked in.
"I know now are you ready to go home Wendy" asked Lucy and Wendy nodded.
"Remember girls me and your father will always love you ok now I'll miss you" said Layla as she tried not to cry.
"It's ok mum we will visit soon" smiled Wendy as she waved as they opened the portal and got our of the portal smiling. Lucy just nodded before leaving as well making Layla sigh.
"That girl took after you too much" pouted Layla looking at Zeref.
"Not my fault I gave then half there genes two kids went after you so I need one" said Zeref as he watched Layla pout at him.

"So this is what the great fairytail does" said Lucy as she was Natsu harassing a woman.
"Who the hell are you" yelled Natsu as he lit his fist up and ran at Lucy and Wendy. Lucy put up her foot and kicked him in the face making him bounce of the pavement. Lucy and Wendy walked past not bothering with him and continued onto the guild an straight to the masters office.

"Hey gramps" smiled Wendy while Lucy bowed her head. In Lucy's hands was a purple exceed with golden paws and the tip of her tail. Her eyes were green and looked like gems she wore a panda suit and thought she was a panda so Lucy called her Pandu.
"Your back my children" said Makarov as he hugged them both.
"We are not back to join gramps the guild still hasn't changed the only ones that care about me and nee-chan are the ones that didn't ignore us we will visit" smiled Wendy.
"I understand I will go and introduce you to the guild again are you challenging?" Asked Makarov.
"We will challenge team Natsu and the she-devil" said Lucy.
"Ok brats listen up" yelled Makarov and they continued to yell.
"HE SAID SHUT UP" yelled Lucy and they all turned to her.
"Thank you I think most of you remember Wendy and Lucy" said Makarov and instantly Carla hugged Wendy and Romeo hugged her as well.
"Hey sis" said Laxus as he hugged Lucy.
"Hello" said Lucy. "They have come to challenge team Natsu and Mira" said makarov.

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