A Bodyguard

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I woke up at the sound of an alarm. I looked around but didn't recognize my surroundings. I slowly got up and walked out of the room I was in. "Your awake" said a voice, as I jumped and paused seeing Professor Kakuzu. "Professor" I said, as he closed his eyes. "Come on" he said, as I followed him to the kitchen. I then paused seeing Hidan smoking a cigarette. "I'm surprised your up" said Kakuzu, as Hidan growled. "Kind of had to be, that stench on the couch is impossible to sleep around" said Hidan, as Kakuzu sighed. "Jamie this is my freeloader roommate Hidan, Hidan this is one of my top students Jamie" said Kakuzu, as I looked at him. "He looks my age, how can he be your roommate?" I asked, as Kakuzu looked at me. "It's a long story, better to leave it alone" he said, as I nodded my head. "So... about your future" he said, as I sat on a stool next to Hidan. Kakuzu put a bowl of cereal in front of me and I took the spoon about to eat it, when Hidan grabbed it in front of me a gobbled it down. "HIDAN" shouted Kakuzu, as Hidan fingered Kakuzu his middle finger. Kakuzu growled and I took out my textbooks. "I want to know about the main stalks" I said pointing in the textbook and Kakuzu sighed. "Jamie, those are simple, and we have gone through them so many times... I know you know them" he said, as I lowered my eyes. "How do you know I know them?" I asked, as he sighed. "Jamie" he said, as I paused when Hidan grabbed my text book. "So these main stalks things, what are they for?" he asked "If you invest money in them you can gain more business and money back depending if it drops or rises" I said, as my eyes widened and I covered my mouth. I looked at Kakuzu and he smirked at me. "Not understanding huh?" he questioned, as I growled and avoided eye contact. "I'm going home" I said standing up. "Jamie, your future" he said, as I glared at him. "I said I wanted to talk about it yesterday, it’s not my fault you had to go to a meeting" I said, as he growled. "Jamie go to school, I don't care if your angry with me" he said, as I hpmhed and slammed the door walking out of his house.

At school during lunch I was eating at the cafeteria and Alexis looked at me. "So what did he say?" asked Alexis, as I looked at her. "Nothing, he forgot about a meeting so I left" I said, as she sighed. "Geez, and he's supposed to be a Professor" said Alexis, as we paused when we heard screeching. "Oh my gosh, he is so hot" said a girl "And a rebel, he's almost as hot as Professor Uchiha" said another girl "And that blonde with him, oh my gosh I'm in love" said another girl. "What the hell is that all about?" asked Alexis, as I shrugged. "Who cares, come on its time for class" I said, as Alexis nodded. We started walking to class and we sat down in our seats. "Hey" said a voice, as I glanced and then my eyes widened seeing Hidan. "What are you doing here?" I asked, as he chuckled and sat next to me. "Wanted to see you" he said smoothly, as I rolled my eyes. "Please" I said, as he smirked and I blushed when I could feel his breath on my left ear. "Please what?" he whispered seductively, as I looked at him like he was crazy and covered my ear. He smirked with leaning in. "You really are cute" he said, as I crossed my arms. "Oh really?" I asked, as he laughed. "Want to go out?" he asked, as I growled. "What's my name?" I asked, as he paused and blinked a few times. "Huh?" he asked, as I growled. "What's my name?" I asked again, as he paused. "Uh, well" he said, as I looked at him. "You don't remember me do you?" I asked, as he blinked a few more times. "Did I do you already?" he asked, as I rolled my eyes and punched his face. "ASSHOLE" I shouted standing up and then paused seeing Professor Kakuzu, Professor Sasori and Professor Uchiha. "Hidan what the hell are you doing?" asked Kakuzu, as Hidan covered his eye. "Trying to get laid" he said, as I growled and Alexis sighed shaking her head looking at the guy on the ground. "That's my student remember dip shit" said Kakuzu, as he looked at me. "Oh yeah the rich girl" he said, as I growled and punched his other eye. "MORON" I shouted walking away and Kakuzu growled holding his head. "Nice going Hidan, Jamie has finally started coming back to school and now because of this she won't be coming back for at least a few months" said Kakuzu, as Hidan growled.

I had run away to the park and was sitting on a bench. I lowered my head and then paused hearing laughter. I looked seeing small children laughing with their parents or their friends. I smiled sadly and then paused seeing Alexis sit next to me. "You not coming back?" she asked, as I closed my eyes. "No" I replied, as she sighed. "Jamie just ignore him" she said, as I shook my head. "I just want to be alone for a bit okay?" I asked, as she nodded. I eyed her and soon lowered my head. A few hours passed and I looked at the sunset. "That's pretty fucking weird you know" said a voice, as I looked at Hidan narrowing his eyes at me. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Leave me alone" I said, as Hidan sat next to me. "You going to make me?" he asked, as I growled. "Shut up" I said, as hr grabbed my wrist and I winced a bit. He paused and pulled up my sleeve seeing my bruised wrist. "So they were that forceful on you huh?" he questioned as I turned my head. "So, I've been in worst situations" I said, as he paused and looked at me lowering my head. "Oh?" he questioned, as I paused and looked at him. His response was different from everyone else’s. "I have been kidnapped numerous times because of my family’s wealth, that's why I live in an apartment on my own, but I still get the random attacks everyone once in a while" I said turning my head. "Huh? Why your not sexy or anything" he said, as I growled. "Gee thanks" I said sarcastically, as he hpmhed letting me go. I growled turning my head away from him. "But... I guess you are cute... when your angry though" he said, as my eyes widened and I blushed a bit. "What?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah, when you were made at Kakuzu I was totally turned on" he said, as I sighed and closed my eyes. "You know, saying vulgar things like that does not turn on a girl" I said, as he paused an eyed me. "Sure it does" he said, as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Maybe if they’re a prostitute or desperate" I said, as he smirked. "Oh? Care to make a bet" he said leaning in closer causing me to blush a bit. "What kind of bet?" I asked, as he smirked. "I bet I can turn you on with my as you say vulgar things" he whispered, as I leaned back and glared at him. "Now your being stupid" I said, as he chuckled and closed his eyes. "Besides, I'd rather hire you as my bodyguard" I said, as he paused and looked at me. "How much you going to give me?" he asked, as I paused and looked at him. "What?" I asked blinking a few times. "The bodyguard gig, how much you going to give me?" he asked, as I paused. "Ten dollars an hour, plus I get to stay with you at Kakuzu's place?" I asked, as he paused. "Why Kakuzu's place?" he asked, as I turned my head. "I don't like my apartment" I mumbled, as he paused. "You think someone is going to attack you there?" he asked, as I looked at him. He paused and he narrowed his eyes. "Someone has already tried to attack you there" he said, as I closed my eyes not saying anything. "Alright deal, and next day I'll go with you so you can get your stuff" he said smirking. My eyes widened and I smiled hugging him. He looked at me shocked. "Thanks Hidan" I said, as he blushed and leaned back. "Yeah, yeah get the fuck off" he said, as I smiled and let him go. He turned his head and stood up. "Come on" he said, as I smiled and followed him like a little baby chick.

To Be Continued...

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