The Daughter of a Business

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I started to panic a bit. I didn't want this guy that just saved my life to be beaten after being injured after rescuing me. "Get out of here already your in the way" he said, as I looked at him smirking. I was kind of curious about what kind of guy he was, he was smirking while wanting to fight more. He didn't try to hit on me like a normal guy would and the way he distracted those other guys was vulgar, but he did it to save my life. "I'll help you" I said touching his arm, but I paused when he got up and started walking passed. "I don't need a snobby brat's help, your in the way so get fucking lost" he said, as I watched him walk in the direction where the others fled. I got up and walked home. As soon as I did my phone started ringing. I picked it up and heard Alexis' voice. "Are you okay? Did something happen? Nobody hurt you did they?" she asked, as I smiled sadly. "No I'm fine" I said, as she sighed in relief. "Thank goodness, but what took you so long?" she asked, as I paused and thought of that guy that saved me. "Don't worry, it won't happen again" I said, as I heard her sigh again. "Alright, good night" she said, as I hung up my phone placing it on its hook. I slowly walked towards my window and couldn't help but think of the mysterious man who saved my life.

Meanwhile Hidan smirked defeating the guys who sure enough came back with more men. Once they were all defeated he laughed lying on his back like he usually did and then stopped when a shadow came over him. "You idiot" said Kakuzu, as Hidan chuckled sitting up and looked at him smirking. "Come to play?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu crossed his arms and glared at him. "You were supposed to see the lead today" said Kakuzu, as Hidan smirked closing his eyes and tilted his head. "So what you going to force me?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu growled. "Hidan this isn't a joke... you better meet the leader tomorrow or else" said Kakuzu, as Hidan laughed and leaned in a bit. "Are you threatening me Kakuzu?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu glared at him. "I mean it" said Kakuzu walking away.

The next day I got up and walked to my bathroom. I stopped seeing my wrists had bruises. I sighed rubbing them and then got dressed into a long sleeved shirt and another pair of jeans. I pinned up my hair in a bun and started brushing me teeth. I then walked towards the door and put my shoes on and grabbed my school bag. I walked out and made my way to the school and I smiled seeing Alexis waiting for me outside the doors. "Hey" she said waving me. I walked over to her and paused seeing her eyes wavering. "I'm fine" I said, as she nodded her head. We made our way to class and as usual Kakuzu was lecturing us and after school, I slowly walked up to Professor Kakuzu. He then stopped and glanced at me. "Jamie?" he questioned, as I avoided eye contact. "I'm willing... to listen to your... offers on my future" I said, as he paused and looked at me shocked. He sighed and put his hand behind his head. "Damn I didn't expect you to cave today... that puts me in a bind" he said, as I crossed my arms. "Fine forget it then" I said turning around, as I paused when he sighed and grabbed the back of my collar. "Stop that, come with me" he said, as I nodded following Professor Kakuzu. I followed him and paused when we stopped in front of a house. "Come in" he said opening the door for me. I walked in and paused seeing a guy with blonde hair and the guy with slick back hair who saved me. "Finally" said the guy with blonde hair, as they stopped and looked at me. "What you screwing with young girls?" laughed the blonde hair, as Professor Kakuzu growled at him. "Shut up, Jamie please wait in the kitchen down the hall to the left" he said, as I nodded. "Yes Professor" I said, as the two girls looked at Kakuzu, as I walked in the kitchen. I looked around, it looks plain and I paused touching the granite kitchen tops. I then paused as the door opened and I paused seeing the guy with the slick back hair. "Kakuzu has a meeting to get to, he wants you to wait here" he said, as I nodded sitting on a stool. He walked to the fridge and opened the door and grabbed a beer. As he opened it, he was walking towards the door. "Thank you" I said, as he stopped and glanced at me. "For what?" he asked "Saving me" I said, as he stopped and looked at me. "Saving?" he questioned, as I paused. Did he forget? Was I that invisible? "Uh, yes last night" I said, as he stopped and chuckled. "Oh, that was you... sorry I don't remember spoiled brats" he said, as I narrowed my eyes. "Idiot" said a voice, as we both turned our heads seeing Professor Kakuzu. "I thought you left" said the guy with slick back hair, as Kakuzu glared at him. "You have to come with me moron" he said, as the guy with slick back hair shrugged. "Besides Jamie isn't a spoiled brat, she has two part time jobs and still manages time for friends and homework, unlike you whose a freeloader" said Kakuzu, as he hpmhed and walked passed him. However, Kakuzu grabbed him by the collar. "Not so fast Hidan" said Kakuzu, as Hidan growled. "Your coming and that's final. Jamie please make yourself at home until I get back" he said, as I slowly nodded my head. I watched them leave and then paused looking around the house. It looked completely normal to me and then I stopped at the living room couch. It had blood on it. I looked at the front door and wondered if it was from Hidan. I grabbed some cleaning solution and tried cleaning the couch. Eventually the blood came out and I sat in a leather chair watching TV. Unfortunately, nothing was on and I soon fell asleep.

Hidan and Kakuzu came back and Hidan growled. "Why is that ass pissed at me?" questioned Hidan, as Kakuzu sighed. "Because you were supposed to meet him yesterday moron" said Kakuzu, as Hidan hpmhed walking in the door. "Hey isn't that chick of yours still supposed to be here?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu paused. "Damn, it's already midnight she must have went home by now" said Kakuzu, as Hidan chuckled. "She must be pretty mad for her Professor boyfriend to ditch her like that" said Hidan, as Kakuzu growled. "Idiot, she's my student, and just a student... a girl like that needs a boyfriend who can give her anything" said Kakuzu, as Hidan stopped. "Why the fuck is that?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. "Her parents are one of the richest business owners in the world and she is in school to follow their demands, her family has pretty high standards so if they don't match their qualifications she probably won't go out with anyone" said Kakuzu, as Hidan hpmhed. "And you say she's not a spoiled brat" said Hidan, as Kakuzu sighed again. "Definitely not, any money she does receive from them she donates to charities" said Kakuzu, as Hidan smirked. "And how would you know that?" asked Hidan, as Kakuzu narrowed his eyes. "I should know the Akatsuki's enemy in business, plus it’s always on the news or in the papers" said Kakuzu, as they finally walked into the living room and stopped seeing me sleeping in the leather chair with the TV still on. "She's fucking still here" said Hidan, as Kakuzu sighed. "Guess so" said Kakuzu, as he paused seeing the couch clean. "Huh, she's more useful than you" said Kakuzu, as Hidan growled.

To Be Continued...

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