Where I stand on terrorist attacks

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This will be a shorter story.

So, we all just have heard the awful tradegy in Boston yesterday, right? Well, if you haven't, then get out more. Anyways, two bombs set off by who knows who exploded at the Boston Marathon. First, I would like to give opinions on who this may have been and givemy opinion on other things. 

First off, no, this wasn't Korea. Korea is a country, not an organazation. 

Yes, there is a possibility of it being Al-Qaeda. But why? There is no Osama Bin-Laden, no Suddam Hussein, no leader. The organazation is dwindling as we speak. Maybe a 20% chance it was them, but look at the facts. Movie Theater Shooting, crazed American lunatic. Sandy Hook, crazed American lunatic. Columbine, crazed American lunatic. 

In the end, it was just some tipsy-shithead that thought, "Hey, lets blow shit up!"

Not how it works. You see, yesterday was tax day for all us Americans. Maybe this lunatic was fed up with the American Government and just gave them a piece of their f**ked up mind? I don't know. Also, yesterday was Patriots day in Boston, and also one of the largest marathons in the world! I don't know. Everything was so oddly set up. Just weird. Thoughts?

Also, I would like to say that we portray this stuff like it is the shit we need to know, that everytime this is a awful tradegy. Well, it is. But think. Many Third World Countries deal with this shit on a weekly basis. Car bombings, like the ones this week rioting about the upcoming elections. Shootings, riots and even just plain crazy, messed up other things. This is everyday things. Now, like 9/11, thats different. But a bombing in a crowd, or a mass shooting? Could be a daily thing for Syria or Iraq.

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