Chapter 1 - And So It Begins

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"Miss Cavallo! Hello I am Matt Flyzik, you're here for the interview yes?" Matt asks as he shakes my hand and gestures towards his office door. I nod and take out my pad and pen "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot! My assistant told me about your circumstance" I took the lid off of my pen and wrote on the pad *And you still wanted to see me?* he looked at it and chuckled "Of course! I was told by the music store that you're the best tuner they had! Anyway, it will be nice to have someone on tour who knows how to be quiet. Y'see these boys are very...loud. Would that be ok?" I smiled at the comment about the music store and chuckled when he looked lost for words when describing the guys he works with/for  

*That sounds great, I love being near loud people, it means they don't expect me to talk!* He laughs at my reply and says "Well then you will love this tour! I just want to hear you tune these guitars for me and then, if you do as brilliant a job as I have been told you can do, you can have the job!" He hands me five guitars, two acoustic and two electric and a bass. I tune them extremely quickly and to perfection. Tuning guitars is one of the few things I pride myself on, that and being able to play them. Once I am done I look at Matt and see him staring with wide eyes at me."Welcome to the team" he says after a few minutes of silence. He takes my hand and pulls me into a hug "May as well get used to them as you wont be recieving any other kind of hello" he says when he senses my surprise at the action. I smile and write thank you on my pad before turning to the door."Oh by the way, here are the CD's of the band you will be working for, I thought you should listen to their music before you turn up at the bus tonight!" He hands me a stack of CD's and I smile looking at the back. I turn one of them to Matt so that he can see the side with the song names and point at one with a raised eyebrow. He smirks at it and claps his hands "Merry Christmas Kiss My Ass is definitely one you will enjoy. Yes it's weird but so are the boys so get used to it! Right, I will see you at 7:30 tonight at the buses and so you have" he checked his watch "eight and a half hours to prepare yourself for the crazyness that is these four boys" I smiled at walked out the door. As soon as he closed it and I was round the corner I started jumping and smiling like a lunatic. I was going on a world tour! For five months! With a band! I get to be their guitar tech! Eeeek!

\five hours later/

I had three and a half hours left till the tour bus arrived. I was packed and had checked I had everything at least five times. I guess now is the time to tell you about myself then!

I am Christina (Chris for short) Cavallo and I am 24 years of age (as of two days ago). I don't talk. Not because I cant but also not because I dont want to, it's weird. I can only talk to people I trust, otherwise my body just refuses. I have been like it since I was 12 for reasons that I am sure will come up eventually. Anyway, since then no one would talk to me, because I wouldnt talk back, so I was just left to my own devices. I turned to music for direction and found that it helped...a lot. But according to most people it was the wrong kind of music, I should be into pop and shiz like that but no, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Blink 182 all the way baby! I could go on but there are so many bands I love I dont think it will fit in! I cant complain though because listening to that music landed me a job in a music store in Baltimore (I had lived in New York but moved because I couldn't get a job and it brought back too many memories) which landed me this job! Touring the world with an apparently very popular band called All Time Low. So that's me! Oh wait, what do I look like? I am 5'9 which is a good height, I am quite skinny which I like but I dont see it as an advantage, I have long darkish brown hair that goes to about the middle of my back, it's really curly (the type of curly you try to get using a curling iron so I love it!) and has dark blue streaks going through it. Finally my favourite part of me, my eyes. They are really bright blue which is weird for someone with dark brown hair which is why I like it so much, it's different.

I occupy the rest of my time before the bus comes with watching The Dark Knight and The Nightmare Before Christmas while snacking on pop tarts, cookie crisp (I like dry cereal ok?) and pez. When I hear a bus pull up I grab my bags and turn off the tv. As I walk towards the front door it suddenly bursts open and I am crushed into a huge hug that causes me to fall over. 

"JACK! ARE YOU ALREADY SCARING AWAY OUR NEW GUITAR TECH BEFORE SHE'S EVEN IN THE BUS?! SERIOUSLY DUDE! NOT COOL." I hear someone shout but the heavy weight still doesn't budge 

"We are gonna be best friends, and we can play with eachothers hair, well I can play with yours no one touches mine, and we can watch Home Alone and we can dress eachother up and play video games together and-" 

"JACK GET OFF OF HER NOW!" I hear Matt yell. Finally a voice I recognise 

"But she is so comfy" the blob on top of me yells. I finally get a glance at something other than his chest and see that he has a blonde streak through his hair. What is he, a skunk?! 

"Jack if you don't get off her Zack will make you" Matt warned and with that Jack was off of me and on the other side of the room "Ok I am off! Zack can't hurt me!" He held up his hands "though she could have just told me she was uncomfortable" i frowned a little  

"Um, actually Jack no she couldn't. She doesn't speak" Matt gave me an apologetic smile and helped me off the floor "Oh, I'm sorry...are you mute?" I shook my head 

"She doesn't speak to anyone she doesn't trust with her life" Matt explained thankfully, I didn't feel like writing. I looked around at the three men in my hall, Matt, who I had already met, a guy with longish brown hair dressed in skinny's and a hoodie and wearing a beanie a lot like mine he had brown eyes and I have to say he was pretty hot "Hi I'm Alex, the most attractive quarter of All Time Low and the big idiot who attacked you is Jack, the least attractive quarter" 

"Hey! Dude that isn't what you said in bed last night!" Jack replied 

"Jalex" I heard someone cough and looked to see another guy standing in the doorway "Hi, I'm Zack you must be Christina yeah? I am the only one in the band who actually listens to the tour manager when he tells us who we're touring with." He walked over and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, Matt was right, I did need to get used to this. "Can I take your bags" I shook my head and grabbed for them but he quickly snatched them away, I noticed that he was extremely buff "Too bad, I'm taking them end of!" And he ran out followed by Matt and Alex."Um...I am really sorry for attacking you and...yeah" and wih that Jack walked ojut as well leaving me very confused at what just happened but loving every second of it! I crabbed my phone and headphones, locked my door and began to walk towards the bus only to be scooped up by Zack and carried bridal style to the bus "I feel bad for Jack attacking you so it's only fair you get special treatment" I smiled and nodded in thanks "I really hope I get to hear your voice by the end of tour, I bet it's beautiful" he said as he set me down inside the bus blushing like crazy "Zack! Are you flirting with the guitar tech?!" I heard a new voice "Nah Rian. I have a girlfriend remember!" I turned to see a guy with incredibly white teeth in front of me, I put my hands up and hiss at them getting laughs from everyone on the bus "Hey Jack, she can't talk and she's already funnier than you!" Alex shouts at Jack and the next thing I see is Alex being pushed out of the bus, down the steps and onto the pavement rolling around with Jack "Jalex" Rian coughs and I look at him confused "Oh yeah, you're new! Jalex is the ship name for Jack and Alex" I laugh a little too hard at this and end up falling into Rians arms "You have a nice laugh, your voice probably matches" he says as he steadies me. We all walk into the bus.

9:00 we finally leave my house after we had managed to stop the bitch fight between Jack and Alex and once I had had the full guided tour of the bus which was HUGE! There were three tv's, hundreds of bottles of alcohol and my favourite: the games consoles and Batman games! This is going to be a pretty amazing tour...

Love Yourself So No One Has To (An All Time Low/Jack Barakat Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now