Chapter 10

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I was woken up by my stupid phone vibrating in my purse. Gosh, who ever was calling will be dead. Before I managed to find my phone it stopped ringing.

My purse was full of junk and make-up. The odd thing was that more than a half of all that stuff wasn't mine. It looks like my mother forgot to clean it all out before putting it back in my closet.

I looked at my phone's screen and it was 5 a.m. Not exactly the time I am used to getting up at. I yawned and stretched out. My bones popped. All my body was aching from the uncomfortable sleep in the car.

Meg was still sleeping. So I guess she is a heavy sleeper. I puffed the air out and opened the car window.

My phone buzzed again. This time it was only a text. I looked at the screen and my eyes widened in a shock. 13 missed calls and 5 messages. What!? So basically all my missed calls were from Tate, but there was one from an unknown number. Obviously I won't be calling that one back. Talking to strangers on the phone is not for me. I have seen scream, I know how these things go.

My head was buzzing and I had a headache. Nice! Just peachy! I started opening the messages and they all were from Tate. They mostly consisted of "Where are you?", "Call me!" "Where is Meg?" I open up the most recent one.

Where are you? I am starting to worry! I know, that is weird even for me! Please call me back so I can know you are alive and not in some ditch laying dead! And are you with Meg?? Mark told me that you left with her. Are you having cheeky night without me and didn't invite me for a threesome?! I am hurt, Jenny! Anyway, call me!

Wow, Tate was being weird. That message was way too long. When he texted me, well, he almost never did text me or call me... Anyway, his messages mostly consisted of one or two words, but this was an essay. I quickly typed him a message.

I am fine. Not in a ditch.

I looked the text. It was so plain and short. I wanted to say something more or type some funny comeback about the threesome, but I just wasn't in the mood. I clicked send.

Literally 15 seconds later he texted me back. Why can't he text so fast when I need him to? He is so annoying!

Okay. TTYL.

And he is back to himself. I kind of like the nice Tate better. I sat there just looking around and trying to figure out where exactly I was. We were parked in MC Donald's parking lot. My stomach grumbled and the sight of fries and burgers. Well, early morning snack can't hurt.

I stepped out of the car and went inside the restaurant. I never understood why it was a restaurant but oh well. I still loved it. The air smelled of fried food and meat. I just love Mc Donald's so much!

I ordered for me and Meg. After all, she was awfully nice to me last night. I can at least buy her breakfast for that.

I grabbed my order and rummaged for my wallet in my purse. Obviously I needed to drop everything on the counter to do that. I need to get rid of all that garbage!

I was stuffing everything back in my purse, but a letter caught my eye. It was addressed for my mother. Nothing odd there I guess, but who would send her a letter. Do people even do that anymore? Like, we have email and texting!

On the other side of the letter was a name of a sender. I stared at in for a while. I couldn't believe my eyes what I was seeing. I need to get home as fast as I can!

I ran to the car and slammed the door. That woke Meg up.

"Jesus Christ, Jenn! Can you be a bit more gentle? Some of us are still sleeping." She didn't even open her eyes. Just stretched and got herself more comfortable in the seat.

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