Chapter 9

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"So I heard from Peter that you and Charlotte had a fight," Tate said and looked into my eyes. His emerald green eyes were sparkling and it caught my breath when I looked at them. I still couldn't really speak and he continued.

"You are probably wondering why the hell I am here. Well... I kind of came to check on you." He said and touched my shoulder. "Are you alright Jenn?"

"I am fine," I wanted to sound nonchalant, but my breath came out shaky. I knew that I wasn't fine, but Tate didn't need to know that. I was still really confused by him being my room. How did he even knew where I live?

"Well, you seem fine. I am glad that you are not trying to kill yourself or something." He laughed awkwardly and scratched behind his neck. His gaze was still fixed on me, it was so stern. I could feel myself blush and I looked away.

"I am fine, really." I played with the hem of my shirt and waited for him to speak, but he didn't. The room was filled with heavy silence and it felt awkward. I felt the need to say something, but my mind came up blank. Great!

"Anyway, I need to ask you something." After some time, Tate finally broke the tension and spoke to me. He scooted closer to me and touched my shoulder. "It's a favor... a tiny little favor." I wanted to scoot away from him, but I just couldn't. His stare was hypnotizing.

It would make sense that Tate came here because he needed something from me. We weren't that close friends so he wasn't just checking on me. He loved drama and fight between friends so it was a little bit weird when he didn't try to rub salt on my wounds. I finally snapped out of my thought and pushed Tates arm away.

"What is this little favor you want from me?" I asked carefully. When it came to Tate it could be anything. From harmful tests answers to burying the body with him. You can never know which end of the scale it will be this time.

"Well, you are such a dear friend to me and you do know how much I care about you, right?" He smiled at me and I wanted to slap myself for feeling something weird in me flutter. Kissing my ass, huh? This is definitely "burying the body" end of the scale.

"Just spit it out, Tate. I don't have time for your drama if you don't hurry up I will just throw you out of my house!" I said. Probably not wise words because I knew that I was too weak to do that. He smirked like he thought the same thing I did. I sticked my tongue out at him and he just laughed.

"Okay, little ninja. I will be quick then. I thought that you needed some cheering up after that fight with Char so I came here to invite you to a party... with me." He paused and waited for my answer, but I just sat there in shock. Tate never brought me with him to parties. I and Charlotte usually had to beg him to take us with him. He hated that and always said no. What was all this about? "Earth to Jenn. Did you hear what I just said or not?" He waved his hand in front of my face and I blinked.

"Okay... Why do you want me to come to a party with you? Where is the catch?" I asked him eying him suspiciously. There must be a catch. Things never were simple with Tate.

"Yeah, well, I kind of need you to be my wing woman." He was looking down at his hands and mumbled it so quietly that I barely heard what he said.

"You need what? Me a wing woman? You must be joking." I laughed but when Tate didn't join in but just continued to stare at his fingers I stopped. "Please tell me that you are joking Tate."

"I am not joking, Jennifer." Okay, he used my full name, things are getting pretty serious. "There is this girl that I am trying to sleep with, but she is just not falling for my charms. She thinks that I am a total prick." He explained and looked at me.

"Well, that girl is pretty smart if she thinks that because it's true," I smirked and punched his shoulder. I tried to lighten up the mood, but he just wasn't having it.

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